Report from Little Protector(request)

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Request from Tannerh012 and takes after Little Protector in the Night

Shira let out a roar like yawn, showing her sharp white teeth. Her eyes opened tiredly, revealing her ocean blue eye color as they spotted the entrance of the den. The morning sun was up and shining. Puddles of water were showed the sun's reflection, leftover from last night's storm. She stood up, stretching her body before walking over to the entrance to scan the outside of their home.

"Huh. Looks like we had a storm last night" she told herself before turning to look at her family. Shira saw Diego and Tackle sleeping next to eachother. The larger cat had his paw wrapped around their son, holding close to his furry chest as Tackle snuggle against him.

Her heart swelled at seeing that, smiling warmly at the two things she loved more than herself. The striped saber walked up to them, leaning her face to Diego's. She gently nudged his face to wake him up. He grumbled before opening his eyes tiredly, spotting his mate.

"Good morning kitty" he told her, still sleepy but smiled at her warmly. She returned the same smile before her face to nuzzle his affectionately. "Good morning Softie" she told him as her eyes moved down to their son, moving her paw to gently wake him up. But then a brown paw stopped her, keeping her paw away from the cub.

"Let him sleep a little longer"

He said and she glanced up at him, surprised. "He had a long night" he explained to her which made her curious as she looked at him. "What happened this time?" She asked him as she walked to his side, lying down next to him and placed her head on his shoulder. Diego chuckled at how she would take any opportunity to snuggle with him but only if Tackle was asleep or not around.

"I found him awake last night, trying to guard me" he started telling her and she frowned. "Guard you? From what?" She asked confused, looking at him, blue eyes making contact with green eyes.

"He had a nightmare where I protected him. But he wound up losing me. It scared him so he tried staying up last night to protect me. I had a talk with him, and got him to sleep with me for the night to make him feel better" Diego explained the story as Shira glanced at their son.

She smiled lovingly at their cub as she gently ran a paw down his head, feeling his soft fur on her paw pads. "Aw our little fuzzball being our little protector. You know, the good thing about Tackle that amazes me is how brave he is" she brought up as Diego thought about that.

Tackle was only a cub and they both expected their son to be scared of some things which was normal. But to their amazement, the saber cub showed his courage and bravery even against the largest of creatures countless of times. Sure, once his courage was shaken when he lost one of his saber teeth but regained it back. No matter how many times the cub fell, he would jump back up fiercer and more determined. It assured both cats that their son would make a great saber when he would grow up.

"Yeah. That's what makes him Tackle" he said, proud of his cub. Suddenly, the little cat started stirring in his sleep, letting a small cub like yawn. His eyes opened, spotting his parents staring down at him. The cub had no idea what was going on while he was asleep so he was right now puzzled.

"Um good morning?" he said confusingly as his parents chuckled at him. "Morning fuzzball. Your dad tells me you were on patrol last night" Shira said to him as he got up, and stretched his body.

"Uh huh. I had a bad dream. But dad and I chased it away" he explained to her, facing his mom as he stood up straight like a guard reporting. "Really?" She asked him, acting impressed. "Yep. Rest assured mama, if you have nightmares, dad and I will chase them away for you" he told her confidently, keeping his head up.

Shira grinned misheviously and she rubbed his head playfully. Tackle gently bit her paw, wrestling with it. She chuckled at how cute he was and Diego smiled at them. But then he grinned misheviously, glancing at his mate while she was distracted and he pecked her cheek.

Shira's eyes widen, blushing pink since she didn't see that coming. Tackle made a disgusted face, sticking his tongue out as he moved his mom's paw on his face to cover his eyes from that. "Report report!. Mom and dad kissing. Bleh!" He said annoyed and grossed out. His parents laughed at his reaction, finding this new report from their tiny protector more adorable than the last one.

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