Tough but Sick(request)

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Request from Tannerh012

"Uugh" Diego groaned tiredly as he felt his throat itch and his nose let a sniffle. Tackle sat staring at his dad as he moved his ball around with his little paw. "Hey dad. Catch" Tackle told him as he threw the ball to him. He didn't catch it and it just his face. Diego had trouble focusing all because he was sick, his senses were dampened heavily.

"Tackle. Leave your dad be. He's not exactly ready to play with a cold on him" Shira's voice came up as the cub turned to his mother. The striped saber carried a bag with some herbs to help her mate recover. "Mommy. Is dad going to be ok? He's not moving much and keeps making strange sounds" the cub asked his mom, his ears low in worry.

Shira glanced at her mate. His brown fur was pale, his senses were weakened and his breathing was heavy. He didn't eat anything this morning since he couldn't stomach solid foods yet. But they've been through worse and it was a cold so as long as they cared for him, he would recover and be back to normal.

She glanced down to her cub and smiled assuringly at him and rubbed his little furry head. "Don't worry bud. Your dad's a tough cat. He's dealt with worse so a cold ain't that bad. We just gotta make sure he doesn't do anything stupid to himself ok" Shira explained to him. Tackle beamed at his mom, his tail wagging with hope that Diego would be alright.

"Is there something I can do to help?" He asked her, hoping the cub could help in some way. Shira thought about it for a moment and there was one idea that came up. "Yes. I want you to keep an eye on your dad and make sure he doesn't get up or anything got it?" She instructed to him as the cub stood proud at his new little mission. "Yep!" He said excitedly and raced torwards his dad, standing in front him to keep a close eye on him.

Shira walked up to her mate, bringing the herbs to him. "Here. Ellie says it will help you feel better" she told him, nudging the plants close enough for him to reach. Diego sniffed the plants but because his sense of smell was greatly dampened, he couldn't excatly tell what plant it was. "What is this?" He asked her, not really sure if he could trust his mate to bring him medicine.

She looked down at him plainly as she sat on her hind legs. "Just eat it" she told him flatly with a look that said I'm not telling you anything, go find out yourself. He sighed, too sick to ask her again what it was. So without arguing, he munched on the green leaves only to be greeted with a very bitter taste that made his eyes bulged.

"Bleh! Shira what is that?! It's so bitter!" Diego complained, his ears flattened disgusted by it. "Who cares? Quit being a cub and swallow it. Tackle's a cub and he takes on bad tasting medicine way better than you" she told him a bit annoyed as Tackle held back his laughter as the funny face his dad made.

The brown saber reluctantly swallowed it, his eyes shut tight at sensing a bad after taste from it. He groaned disgusted at it and his eyes opened, glaring at his mate. "Let me guess. You knew and decided not to tell me right?" He asked her irritated and she grinned smugly at him. "If I told you, I wouldn't be able to see that look on your face" she told him amused. He groaned annoyed at her, rolling his eyes.

The next day....

"So how you feeling grumpy cat?"

After taking the bitter medicine, the cats fell asleep and now it was morning. Shira and Tackle were up first, letting Diego to sleep in and get the much needed rest. When he woke up, they checked on him.

"Much better. Even though those herbs you brought tasted really bad, I think they helped alot" Diego told her, feeling his senses returning to normal, and his throat didn't feel sore anymore. Shira noticed his fur color was no longer pale and returned back to its orginal warm brown color.


"Hm?" Tackle said puzzled as all three cats' ears went up at this growling sound. The cub walked up to his dad and his ears twitched at another growl. He glanced at his stomach and placed his ear next to it.


The sound reached his ear as the cub turned to his dad. "Hey mom. Dad's stomach rumbling? What's that mean?" He asked puzzled. "It means he's hungry" Shira answred his question as Diego stood up, stretching his body gladly as lying down was quite boring for him.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm going out hunting. I'm sick and tired of being in the den since yesterday and I ain't staying any longer. This cat needs to get out and hunt himself a meal. You guys are welcome to come along if you want. I'll do all the hunting for the three us. You two have cared for me enough so thanks" he explained to then, itching to go pounce and chase his prey.

Shira smirked at her mate, finding his change in behavior amusing to her. "Glad we could help you, softie" she said to him as she and Tackle followed out of the den to get breakfast.

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