Comfort in the Storm

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The saber family was asleep in the den, all of them sleeping peacefully...not for long. A thunder storm had arrived.


Tackle gasped and jumped up to his feet, his heart racing, his ears down and his face turning left and right, searching for what spooked him.

Lightning flashed into the den and Tackle swerved his head to the entrance of the den and he noticed the thunderstorm outside. Scared, the cub walked up to the entrance and saw the dark gray sky and hard raining. A thunder came and Tackle crouched down scared, the cub backing away.

He hid behind his dad, shaking and whimpering as the thunder grew louder. He shut his eyes tight, his paws slammed over his ears to block the sound of the thunder but no luck.


Tackle squeaked and jumped back to his feet. "Hm...someone keep the noise level down" Tackle's ears twitched at his dad mumbling in his sleep.

Tackle ran up to his dad to his face and started nudes his paw "Dad. Psst. Daaaad" Tackle whispered to him urgently and Diego groaned in his sleep, annoyed.

"Not now" he groaned turning to his side. "Dad wake up. I'm scared" Tackle whispered to him desperate, his ears flat and he winced at the thunder.

"Tackle. Go back to sleep" Diego groaned more irritated, his growl getting a little louder and it spooked Tackle. It reminded the cub of the thunder storm outside.

"Daaad. Please!" Tackle yelled desperately and afraid and he jumped on top of his father, climbing up on his shoulder. The cub started pulling on his dad's ear, trying to wake his dad up "Wake up!" He said as he pulled Diego's ear really hard that it hurted and finally the saber had enough.

Diego's eyes popped open annoyed and angry and he sprung up, snarling at his cub. Tackle forgot about being afriad of thunder and got scared of his dad and he quickly jumped off his dad to get away from him.

Diego shook his head and rolled his eyes ticked off and he lied back down, closing his eyes again.

His ears perked up at a faint sound and he groaned annoyed and he turned his head back to Tackle's direction about to snarl but he halted it when he saw what was that sound.

Tackle was crouched down on the ground with his back turn, trembling, his ears flat. The sound was sniffling. Tackle was crying.

Diego's face soften and his heart started to ache with guilt. His ears perked at the thunder and he looked to the entrance, seeing the storm.

Diego's eyes widen in realization. 'Now I get why Tackle was trying to wake me up. He was spooked by the storm' Diego thought in his head and his ears lowered in guilt. Snarling at the scared cub, who only wanted his dad to comfort him, just made him more scared.

Diego walked up to the shaking cub "Tackle?" He said and nudged his cub. Tackle turned his head to his dad and Diego felt more guilty when he saw his cub was crying, his eyes watery and his cheeks streaming with tears.

Diego's heart ached more at seeing his cub crying. Diego huffed, realizing he made things worser...but he was gonna fix it.

"You ok little buddy?" He asked gently as he lied down and Tackle wiped his nose with his paw "N-No. I'm scared" Tackle stuttered as he sniffed and Diego knew sabers weren't suppose to be scared but he also understood that Tackle was still a cub.

"Scared of what? The storm?" Diego asked and Tackle nodded as he stood up and walked up to his dad, face to face.

"I don't like it. It's so scary" Tackle said shaky and Diego looked at his cub sympathetically. His cub only went to him for comfort and instead Diego scared him more.

"Tackle. I'm sorry I snarled at you. But I'm here. Dad's here and I'll help you get through the night. No more spooking you I promise" Diego told him with a warm smile and nuzzled his cub. It made Tackle feel better and he smiled at his dad, nuzzling back.


The thunder came and Tackle got spooked and ran into his dad's paws, shaking and whimpering. Diego wasn't gonma scare his cub like last time.

Diego wrapped his paws around his cub, pulling him close to his chest. Tackle started to feel a vibration coming from Diego's chest. Diego was purring as he rested his chin on his cub like he was trying to protect him.

The purring and having his dad hold him made Tackle relax and feel less scared. Diego felt his cub stop shaking and his ears perked at soft breathing.

He looked down and saw that Tackle had fallen asleep in his paws with a smile in his face. Diego smiled at his cub and licked his forehead before resting his head down next to his cub, the two falling asleep.

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