A Lullaby is the cure(Request)

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Request from Tannerh012


Diego's ears perked at the sneeze as he entered the den, holding a leaf bag. He glanced up at Shira who held their cub in her paws, licking his head. The brown saber's eyes fell on Tackle with worry.

In the morning, Tackle mentioned he didn't felt good, and the sabers noticed he looked pale. Plus, he wasn't eating much either. It turned out Tackle had a fever. Diego left to ask Ellie if she had anything to make him feel better so he returned with some of the herbs she gave him that would help the cub regain his strength. For now, Tackle had to stay in the den, and rest.

"Hey" he said softly to his mate who glanced up at him, the same look of concern on her face. It was the first time that they're cub had a cold, and it worried them. "How's he holding up?" He asked her, setting the bag down as it opened, revealing some green mint leaves.

"Honestly. No idea. He's been sneezing, and hasn't eat anything. Plus, he feels warm" she explained worried, looking down at him. His fur was a pale color, and sweaty too. His eyes were closed tires.

Diego sighed, not use to seeing his energetic and spunky kid suddenly like this. "Well I went to Ellie, and she gave me these. Says it may help him get better" he told her as he lied down in front of her.

Shira leaned her head down, and nudged the cub's head to wake him up. "Tackle. Wake up bud" she told him gently as the cub stirred from his nap, opening his eyes. They were dim from exhaustion.

"Here. Your dad brought some medicine to make you feel better" she said as the cub got onto his paws, his ears were low with how tired he felt. His stomach growled in hunger a bit. Despite meat being the main food for sabers, the cold made it hard to stomach anything solid.

Tackle sniffed the leaves before munching on it. "Can we go outside please? I'm so bored being inside the den" he asked, glancing at his dad. "Sorry Tackle. But if we take you out, your cold might get worse. I promise as soon as you get better, we'll play outside" he explained to him as the cub pouted.

There was actually another reason. Weak or sick prey were more easier catches for predators and taking him outside was too big of a risk. Still, Diego and Shira felt bad about it. They too liked going outside. No one liked stayed cooped up in the den.

"Hey Shira. Why don't you let me look out for Tackle, and you go out to stretch your legs or to go hunt" he suggested to her. The striped saber hadn't left the den since this morning, looking out for her cub while he went to get medicine.

"You sure? Did you get anything to eat?" She asked him concerningly, knowing neither of the two went hunting. "Meh. Just some small prey. Don't worry about me. You go get something to eat" he told her assuringly.

So now, Diego was in the den watching over Tackle while Shira went out, deciding to bring a meal for the both of them.


His ears perked up when he heard his cub moaning, and he looked down worried. "Dad. I don't feel good" Tackle told him, noticing his dad staring down at him. "Yeah I know. But you are looking a little better" he assured him. Tackle was starting to get some color back on his fur, and the mint leaves seem to help.

"If you feel better, you might be to eat some meat. For now, try to get some sleep" he told him, giving a lick on Tackle's forehead. "I don't wanna. I don't feel too good" he refused, his upset stomach refusing to get along with him.

"Sing me a song"

"Wait what?" Diego asked him, caught off guard. "Mom once sang a song for me, and it made me fall asleep" Tackle explained to his dad as the brown saber looked down at him, hesitant to sing.

"Um I don't know if I can sing that well" he said to him, uncertain. "It can't be as bad as uncle Sid's" Tackle said flatly which was something both can agree.

"Please papa" Tackle begged him and unleashed his secret move: the cute eyes. Even thought he was sick, it still works. Diego quietly groaned, knowing that was enough to make him submit to his cub's wishes.

"Sigh. I may know one song that I can sing to you" he told him, remembering of a small song his dad would mumble and hum sometimes. Tackle's eyes widen excited, immediately holding Diego's much larger paw in excitement like it's a toy. His dad smiled warmly at him before he started.

"I would like to reach out my hand"

"Oombayseeyou, oombaytellyou to run"

"Omabadee, seemoobadeeyah"

"Well, pick me up with golden hand
And oombayseeyou, oombaytellyou to run"

"Omabadee, seemoobadeeyah"

He gently sang to him, the words and his tone were calm and soothing. Tackle's eyes were half lidded and he yawned as his dad rested his head near his cub. The little saber adjusted his position so he can nuzzled him. Diego placed a paw around his cub as both started to fall asleep, the song started to have its effects on the brown saber.

"Send me on my way"

"Send me on my way"

"Send me on my way. Hmmhmmm"

Diego whispered the last few lyrics before he and Tackle fell asleep with content smiles. Meanwhile, Shira came back, carrying their meal back and she placed it on the ground. She already took some bites of it and left the rest for her mate and cub.

She glanced at them and what she saw made her heart swell. Diego and Tackle was both fast asleep, her cub resting close to her mate. She smiled lovingly at them as she quietly approached them to get a look at Tackle. His color on his fur had returned. She leaned her head on his, finding his temperature wasn't as high as before and returned to normal. She smiled relieved as she glanced at Diego. "I don't know what you did but seems you know how to cure Tackle" she gently whispered to her mate before resting next to them.

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