Same Feeling

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I thought in the Collison Course movie when I saw the trailer with Diego and Shira together I thought Diego would tell Shira about his thoughts on having kids so I did my own.This happens one week before Manny and Ellie's anniversary in the movie
"Third Person's POV"

On the Hyrax Island where the herd lives,Diego is sleeping in his den with Shira laying next to him her head lying on his shoulder.It was sunrise and the male Saber wanted to tell his mate about something... something that's been bothering him. Ever since they became mates,Diego felt a strange feeling when around kids or seeing Manny with his daughter Peaches it made him realized something...he wanted to start a family.
"Diego's POV"

I stared at Shira thinking if she would want to be a mom,she may be a bit stubborn and have a temper but she's kind and willing to risk her life.Me I'm not sure I gently moved away from Shira walking off to a large rock near some water,I lied on the rock my chin resting on the cold surface.My ears perked at some chirping seeing a bird up there,I slowly got up growling ready to pounce but I froze when seeing a small chick in that nest nuzzling it's mother.I just couldn't hurt that bird without her the baby wouldn't have anyone to care for it,I sat back down sighing.
Meanwhile back to Shira
"Shira's POV"

I woke up noticing my mate was gone so I went following his scent,while I was walking I saw a Gazelle fawn and beaver kid playing tag with eachother,I suddenly felt this strange feeling and stopped walking staring at them I felt myself smiling for some reason but I frowned trying to figure out what I'm feeling exactly."AAAH!Saber!RUN!" I jolted when those kids screamed and ran off I just cocked my head confused and kept walking.
"Third Person's POV"

Shira manage to find Diego and quicken her pace when seeing his gloomy mood " Hey tough guy" Diego instantly stood up when spotting his mate coming " Shira your up""Yeah only to find you" He smiled at her the morning sun just made her fur more shiny."Hey why don't you come up here and sit next to me the view isn't so bad?" Shira smiled at her mate as Diego scooched over to make space,"Its a really pretty day isn't it" He told her trying to get his mind off from what he was thinking"Yeah" she said looking at the sun seeing how it made the day so bright.
"Diego's POV"

I smiled at her seeing her eyes sparkle but it vanish and I knew I had to tell her.So taking a deep breath,I spoke to her"Shira?""Yes?""I've been thinking of..." I paused wondering if I should tell her and if she would want this,she stared at me concern and I let put to her "..start a family with you"
"Shira's POV "

I stared at him surprise but my head told that the feeling I felt earlier was the same as Diego...starting a family.I smiled at him and averted my eyes away from him for only a second " I wanna start a family with you too" He smiled at me but my smile fell when I remember that those kids from before were scared of me " but I'm nervous.I mean I want to but I don't think I would make a good mom plus some kids from earlier I encounter while looking for you got scared of me and I don't know why"
"Diego's POV"

She looked down at the floor her ears were low and her eyes were hurt,I smiled at her nudging her head up " To me with that bold and fierceness in you,you make a perfect mom" she smiled at me nuzzling me before resting her head under my chin " and with that soft side of yours,you would make a good dad" I smiled at her kissing her on the head,I don't know how we're gonna get kids to not be scared of us...but I know she and I will have family of our own some day.

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