Tackle the Snowball

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Remember the moment called "Snow" where Tackle woke Diego and Shira with snowballs? Here's the sequel for it

Tackle ran really fast. He was in big trouble. He looked back to see if he was being followed and he spotted two sabers, one brown and the other gray with stripes, chasing him. He gasped and started speeding up more, he made a sharp turn and started running to Sid's daycare playground.

"I'm just saying! This playground needs more excitement" Buck said to Sid, he and Manny were talking to Sid about how the playground could use something new to make it more fun. "Manny! Sid! Buck! Am I glad to see you! Quick hide me!" The three turn their heads to see Tackle coming at them at full speed and he quicky hid behind a log behind Buck.

"Oy what's going on tiger junior?" "Ssh!" Tackle shushed Buck as he went inside the log, the log had a crack on the trunk so Tackle could use that to see outside. "Tackle?" Sid asked confused and so was Manny and Buck. "Whatever you do, don't tell them I'm here" "tell who?" Before Tackle can answer Manny's question, his eyes spotted something and they widen.

"They're coming!" He whispered in panic and quickly duck low inside the log so his chasers wouldn't see him through the crack. The three turn their heads to see who's coming and to they're surprise, it was actually Diego and Shira.

The two sabers came out of breath and they looked angry. "Why would Tackle be hiding from his mom and dad?" Sid whispered to his friends confused "Unless Tackle did something. That would explain why he's hiding from them" Buck whispered back as Manny approached the two sabers.

"Morning Diego. Shira. Um what's um what's the rush? You out hunting?" Manny asked them knowing really the real reason why they're here. "Have you guys seen Tackle? We need to have a talk with him" Diego asked his eyes scanning for the cub, Tackle made himself smaller, his dad sounded so angry at him. 'What are they gonna do to me once they find me? I just wanted them to play with me' Tackle thought in his head as he slowly peeked through the crack.

Shira's ears twitched at hearing a small creak sound from the trunk behind Manny. She could've sworn she just saw two little saber ears perked up and then disappear. She sniffed the air and she instantly caught the scent of her son 'It's still fresh. Which means Tackle's here and he's hiding' she thought in her head and her eyes were on the log. That's the only place for Tackle to hide.

Shira went around Manny and made her way over to the trunk. Tackle gasped quietly and decided his best best was to run again but a part of him told him Diego and Shira were experienced hunters so they would know how to catch Tackle.

Before he could do anything, Tackle was suddenly nose to nose with Scrat who came running in for his log. "AAAAH!" They both screamed spooked by eachother and all of a sudden everyone heard Tackle growling and hissing and Scrat screaming and the log started shaking crazy, the two were fighting all of a sudden.

Diego and Shira stared at the log wierdly, wondering what was happening inside. The cat and squirrel fight made the log moved and it started rolling away! "Tackle!" Diego and Shira said panic as they left their friends and followed the runaway log. The log hit a small rock and it smashed in two, Scrat fell out and ran off but Tackle wound up rolling down the snow hill and he wasn't stopping.

"Help!" He cried out as he started to gather snow on him from rolling and he turned into this rolling snowball. Diego ran as fast as he could to get to Tackle, sure he was still mad at his cub for waking them up but right now he wanted his cub to be safe. "Diego! Look!" Shira warned Diego alarmed at what she saw.

Diego followed Shira's direction still running and he gasped seeing his cub was rolling to a cliff! Diego speeded up but he went past the snowball and right before the snowball reached the edge, Diego bodyslammed into the snowball, diverting it away from the edge safely.

Diego panted heavy and let out a breath of relief. "That was too close" he said exhausted as Shira caught up with him. The snowball then started to shake a bit, Diego and Shira stepped back a bit and looked at eachother for a moment before looking back at the snowball.

BURST! The snowball bursted and the two sabers closed their eyes from the burst of snow on them. When they opened their eyes, they walked over to the snowball and saw Tackle inside, he was crouched really small and there was some snow on his eyes and nose so he couldn't see, his paws were still stuck in half of the snowball.

Shira gently bumped her cub's nose with hers "Tackle?" "Mom? Where are you? I can't see" Tackle asked as he turn his head left and right to try and find his mom, his ears twitching to her voice. "I got it" Diego said as he gently ran his paw on Tackle's face and wiped the snow off. Tackle started blinking and his eyes open again.

He looked at his parents who stared back at him, his ears fell knowing he's in big trouble "Sorry about this morning" he apologized with his eara down and his head low. "Sorry is right" Shira told Tackle angry but not as much as before "Waking us up like that. I mean really Tackle? That's low even for you" Diego told him annoyed.

"I know. I just wanted you to play with me" "Come to think of it, we're sorry too" Tackle stared at his dad surprised when he apologized. Shira was also confused as she stared at Diego "why do we have to be sorry? He woke us up with snowballs" "yeah but we shouldn't have chased out of the den. And if we hadn't done that, he wouldn't have almost fall off the edge" Diego told Shira and she realized her mate had a point.

She looked at her cub was looking at her, his ears still low and his eyes at her sorry. Shira sighed "ok I'm sorry too" "so um can I get help now? I'm stuck" Tackle said as he struggled to move. Diego grabbed his cub by the scruff and pulled him out of the snowball. Tackle had his paws back on the snow and he noticed Diego and Shira leaving, Tackle sighed and sat down sad thinking they were still mad at him.

"Hey snowball rider! Let's go get breakfast! The sooner we eat, the sooner we can play!" Diego called out smiling and Tackle cheered up and scampered to his parents, nuzzling their legs happy that they forgave him.

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