A Sleepy Saber (Request)

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Request from TCLegend. This is takes place in the Great Egg-spcade special where Diego mentions Shira asleep in his den after hunting with the cougars. Wish we could've see her in the special.


Shira let out a loud and tired yawn as she made her way back to the den, exhausted and her ears down. She had just finished a hunt with the cougars the whole night and now she was making her way back home. Her body was aching and her paws sore from so much running and chasing the prey. Her blue eyes dim from exhaustion saw the entrance of the den and she smiled, relieved to see it not far.

"Finally" she whispered tiredly as she walked in, spotting Diego deeply asleep already. The she cat lied down, sleep already took over and she went out, fast asleep already.

Couple hours later....

"Shira? Shira?"

A familar voice called her name, interrupting her sleep. Grumbling in annoyance, she opened her blue eyes and saw Diego staring down at her. Her eyes winced at the sunlight that made its way into the den. It was morning already. "Hey Diego. What do you want?" She grumbled tiredly as she looked at him.

"Morning to you too Kitty" he told her amusingly. Normally she would have reacted angrily to that nickname but she was too tired right now to deal with it. "I see someone was up all night hunting. Had fun with the cougars?" He asked her as she stretched her body and paws. "Yeah but it really tires me out" she groaned tiredly as she rolled over so her back faced him, trying to get away from the sunlight.

"What do you want Diego?" She asked him, feeling sleep and the cool shadows of the den tempting her to asleep again. "I'm heading over to Manny's cave to watch the Falcons game and also to help out for the feast in Easter" he explained to her. Although, something told him that judging how long she stayed up all night and seemed exhausted from hunting, she was not gonna come.

"Yeah. And what does that have to do with me?" She asked him plainly, making herself comfortable. "Well I wanted to see if you were coming. But I can see that it looks like you want to take a nice large cat nap I'm assuming" he told her, seeing that she didn't seem to inch much right now.

"Yaawn. Excatly" she told him, smiling a little that he knew her that well. Diego chuckled at her quietly. He walked over and gently nuzzled her face. "Alright. I'll let you sleep in a little longer. I'll be at the mammoths and if I don't see you out, I'll come back to check on you. Ok Kitty?" He told her and she nuzzled him back. "Alright. See ya in bit Diego" she whispered to him tiredly before going back to sleep. Diego smirked amused, glad to see he can call her Kitty without her getting mad at him, since she was too tired and sleepy to deal with it. He turned around and left the den so she can have it to herself and get nice long cat nap.

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