A Saber Christmas (request)

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Request from Tannerh012. We got Amaya and Raylan (Diego's parents) which are my ocs along with Tackle. Shira and Diego belong to BlueSky

Tackle ran excitedly up the hill, his tail wagging happy as he was looking for something specific. He smiled big to find what he was looking for. "Look look! There they are!" He said excitedly, turning to look at his parents.

Diego chuckled at how cute his son was when he was excited. He ruffled his son's head, making him giggle as his dad looked at his son's direction. A den was present with a waterhole and some trees. Raylan and Amaya were there, drinking water. Diego smiled happy to see them. This year, they would spend Christmas together. It had been so long. And now he got to spend the holidays with his old family and his new family.

"You are happy to spend Christmas with your old folks aren't you?" Shira asked him, joining his side as they walked to them. Well, Tackle ran ahead to great. "Grandma! Grandpa!" Tackle called out to them excitedly. Raylan noticed his grandson running to him, and smiled.

The older saber ran up to his cub and let Tackle pounce on him as the two play fight. "Yeah. What makes me happy is I get to spend Christmas with my parents and with you and Tackle. That is enough for me for this Christmas" Diego told Shira happy as she smiled at him, and nuzzled his face.

"Hey dad! Mom!" He called out to them as his parents looked up at him. Tackle had already gone to greet his grandmother so his dad walked up to his son and daughter in law. "Welcome back son" Raylan told him, nuzzling his face. "You too Shira" he greeted her as she smiled. "How's it going old timer?" She asked him and Raylan chuckled at her. "Pretty good. Amaya and I are happy to have you two and Tackle spend time with us for the holidays" he told them as Amaya joined her mate's side with Tackle following her, playing with her back legs.

"Tackle. Easy on your grandmother" Diego gently scolded him. He knew his son was only playing but his mom missing her hind leg worried him and he prefer to leave it alone. Tackle obeyed and walked back to his parents. "Oh Diego. Don't worry. Tackle knows and is gentle. He's just playing" Amaya told him relaxed, assuring her son, and grandson.

"So, should we go hunting for our Christmas dinner? Like we use to Diego?" Raylan asked him, referring to when they would hunt the biggest gazelle for every holiday. Diego smirked at him, as both cats missed hunting together. "The biggest one dad?" He asked him with a challenging smile. "The biggest one" Raylan answered him, his smile matching with him.

The saber family made their way to the hunting grounds where the gazelle were at. Tackle hid in the long grass as Raylan and Diego would chase the gazelle first straight to Shira and Amaya who would wait to ambush the prey. The older saber glanced at his son, smirking. "Just like old times Diego. I just hope leaving with the prey hasn't made wanes down your hunting spirit" Raylan taunted him.

"Well let's hope your age hasn't worn you down" Diego teased him back, earning a chuckle from his father. They both missed this old teasing of theirs back when they were in the pack. "Will see" Raylan told them, as they turned to their prey. Both of their eyes were set on the largest gazelle amongst the herd. The two big cats crept closer to their target, their muscles twitching with anticipation and their excitement to start the hunt.


Raylan let out a roar as Diego jumped out of his hiding spot and charged at the gazelle with his dad behind him. The herd scattered, spooked but the cats still kept eyes on the prey they wanted. Diego snapped his jaws at the heels of the gazelle, trying to make it lose balance. It did make it wobble but their prey kept going.

Raylan went from the other side, forcing the gazelle to turn the other away. In order to lure it into the ambush from their mates, they had to direct the gazelle to the ambush. Tackle watched from the grass his father and grandfather hunting. He followed after them in the grass, excited to see a hunt led by more than two sabers.

Meanwhile, Amaya and Shira were in the other side in their hiding spots, waiting for the boys to bring the prey here. Shira's ears perked up at hearing sounds of running and she sniffed the air, catching the scent of her mate with Raylan and the smell of gazelle. "Here they come" she told her mother in law, both cats crouched for a pounce as Amaya nodded.

As planned, the gazelle came to their direction and Amaya and Shira sprung out, catching the gazelle as they worked together to bring it down with their mates joining to help. Tackle came torwards them, hearing their roars and the gazelle grunting until their was silence. He came out of the grass to find the gazelle taken down as all four adults took a chance to catch their breaths.

Tackle's eyes widen amazed as he scurried over to him. "Whoa! Look at the size of it! It could probably feed us for days!" He said excitedly, getting on top of the carcass. "Yeah it should. Go on and dig in bud. Merry Christmas" Diego told his cub as the saber family lied down and started eating.

Tackle teared off a piece of meat, wrestling with the tough part of the prey. Raylan noticed and chuckled, catching the cub's attention. "What?" Tackle asked, tilting his head to the side. "Diego would eat the same way you did at your age. It amazes me honestly how much you take after him" Raylan explained, making Tackle laugh as Diego turned to his father, groaning annoyed. "Dad. Don't embarrass me in front of my son" he told as Raylan chuckled amusingly. "Still. You have to admit, this was a good Christmas right dad?" Tackle asked him curiously as he ate. Diego smiled warmly at his cub and nuzzled his son. "Yeah it was" he said, glad to spend this Christmas with the whole family as they ate their Christmas dinner.

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