Tackle and the Easter Egg Hunt part 2

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Tackle finds the last Easter egg but he wounds up on thin ice with Ramous...literally!

It was sunset and some of the kids had come back with Easter eggs, Ellie and Brooke were setting up the Easter Feast "Alright once everyone gets back we can start eating" Ellie said while Manny tried to sneak a bite from the food but only got a swat on the trunk from Ellie. "Thanks Shira for the help" "Wait back up Ellie. Shira helped with the feast?" Diego asked surprised as Shira had her eyes looking anywhere but him. "Yep. She help get some of the food done" "Let's hope it's good as her hunting" Diego asked a little worried how it might taste but he wound up getting a punch on the shoulder from an offended Shira "Ow!".

Meanwhile, Tackle, Vibe and Ferry were still looking for one more egg "Wow we have 10 eggs" Ferry said as he counted, Vibe had three, Ferry had eight and Tackle two. "Hey guys look!" Tackle's ears perked up when he spotted a white egg with a painted brown paw print on it, "great now grab that egg so we can go home. I'm hungry and it's almost time for Easter feast" Vibe told him as the cub ran to it but Tackle thought he heard something like a twig snap the cub stood still listening. When nothing seemed to be coming up, Tackle shrugged and just as he had his paw around the egg his ears perked at a crunch on the snow and he spotted a gray shape.

The cub squinted his eyes and his eyes widen when he realized what it was...correction who it was. "RAMOUS!" Tackle backed away in time before the rouge saber leaped out to pounced on him "TACKLE!" Vibe and Ferry yelled in panic and high alert. Ramous's pounced knocked the egg away making it roll down the left "now it's my turn for the Easter hunt" Ramous said as he laughed evilly with Kasha appearing behind Tackle...'this isn't good' the cub thought.

Meanwhile, nighttime began falling and the Herd realized something "Guys." Diego called out loud and his voice sounded urgent to the Herd "all the kids came back except Vibe, Ferry and Tackle" "it doesn't make any sense all the kids came back how come they didn't show up?" Shira questioned confused and nervous "Well that's new. First eggs go missing but now this year's it kids. So weird" Sid said until a loud voice came up "HELP!" The Herd turn to see Vibe and Ferry running to them panting in exhaustion. Diego approached the two, catching Ferry as he fell out of breath "Ramous....and Kasha...hunting....eggs" Ferry said breathlessly but Diego's eyes widen from what he meant...Ramous was hunting both Tackle and the eggs.

Tackle was in serious trouble. The cub was blocked from behind and front "no where to run furball. It's over" Ramous said triumph that he finally got to his goal...or so he thought. Tackle quickly slid down underneath Ramous and went for the egg "Yes! Uh oh" Tackle caught the egg but now he was sliding downhill "whoooo!"....yikes on thin ice!

The whole Herd followed Vibe and Ferry to where Tackle was last time. Diego sniffed the spot where his cub vanished and it led downhill. "Tackle!" Diego gasped when he saw his cub standing on thin ice with Ramous and Kasha at the edge of it trying to figure out how to reach the cub without cracking the ice.

Ice cracks already came up underneath the cub's paws who really didn't know how to get out of this problem. "Tackle!" "Diego look!" Shira told him as they notice Ramous starting to walk on the ice "Manny! Chase those them off and try to reach Tackle with your trunk. Me and Shira will cover you from Ramous and Kasha"

Manny charged down to the rogues and the sabers ran out of the way "Tackle! Grab on to my trunk!" The mammoth outstretched his trunk as the cub had his paw trying to grab the mammoth. "Not this time mammoth!" Ramous snarled as he lunged at the mammoth but Diego pounced on him while Shira faced off Kasha.

"I can't reach" Tackle said as the ice cracks got bigger, he gasped thinking of a plan and fast! A light bulb popped up in his head "Manny I'm gonna jump!" Tackle jumped on the mammoth's trunk and placing the cub on his head, the mammoth swinged his trunk at the rogues forcing them to stand back to avoid the mammoth.

"So close! I was so close! This isn't over!" Ramous snarled as he and Kasha ran off. Everyone head back and Tackle returned the last egg, he and his team won. "Awesome!" The three kits high five as the Easter feast started. "Wow this is actually really good? Did you add something new Ellie?" Diego asked cause the food was really good "Actually it was Shira"

Diego had surprise on his face but he smiled and licked his mate's cheek "Great job on the food" "I try" Shira answered with a smile as they watch Tackle with berry juice smeared all over his face and they laughed about it.

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