Blind Date(request)

311 9 9

Request from Glaceons700101

Shira was cat napping on a rock, under the sun on a smooth flat rock. Manny was keeping an eye on her from afar. Sid came running to him, panting and Manny turned around to look at him. "So what's Diego up to?" Manny asked him impatient.

"Diego's out hunting near the mountains" Sid informed him, panting as he plopped on the snow exhausted. The sloth had been tracking the saber on his hunt and apparently it was a long way.

"Ok" Manny said as he lifted the sloth back up on his feet with his trunk. "Here's the plan. I'll go for Shira. And you go for Diego" Manny instructed him but Sid's eyes widen in alarm. "Me?! Why do I gotta take Diego?" Sid asked annoyed, already having the experience of being pounced on by his saber friend...and almost eaten too.

Manny wrapped his trunk around his mouth, shushing him so Shira wouldn't hear them. Manny unwrapped his trunk with Sid glaring at him. "Relax. Once Diego sees you or in other words smell you, he'll recognize you" Manny explained to him amd Sid got even.more annoyed about the smell part. "Now get going" Manny told him annoyed, pushing him with his trunk. "Alright alright" Sid said annoyed and quickly ran off to find his friend while the mammoth headed to Shira.

"Hey Shira" Manny called to her and the saber opened her eyes to look at him, her ears perked at his voice. She lifted her head up and let out a big cat yawn. "Hey jungle jim, what's up?" She asked him, smirking at using his nickname. Manny sighed annoyed, not really liking it but he focused on the plan.

"So Diego asked me to tell you to meet him at the mountain by nightfall" he told Shira but the saber stared at him suspicious, frowning. "Why didn't he come tell me himself" she asked him suspicious, jumping off the rock she slept on. Manny got nervous, knowing Shira wasn't easy to fool. He had to be careful with his words.

"Well uh Diego had to go hunting and I was passing by so he told me to tell you" Manny told her lying and Shira was still suspicious but the saber decided to take the chance. "Ok" she told him and walked away and the mammoth sighed in relief.

Sid was creeping in the forest catiously, his eyes scanning for his saber friend. "Oh why do I gotta take the risky job?" Sid wondered worriedly as he walked around carefully, looking for the hunter...but something else was watching him.

Sid froze when he heard this low growl, shivers up his fur and he slowly turned his head around but before he could get a look, something pounced on him from behind and pinned him to the floor. Sid screamed terrified "Diego it's me! Sid!" He yelled panic, bracing for anything.

"Yeah I know. I just wanted to scare you" Diego said amused, getting off of the sloth. Sid got up and dusted off his fur "ha ha very funny. Anyway, Shira wants to see you at the mountain at nighttime" Sid told him and the saber stared at him suspicious.

"Why does she want to see me at the mountain?" He asked him suspicious, circling the sloth, making Sid freeze. "Uh well she said it was a surprise and didn't want to spoil it so yeah" Sid said nervously as the saber stopped circling him and just looked at him for awhile. "OK" Diego said still suspicious as he walked away and the sloth breathed out in relief and quickly ran off before the saber could ask him anymore questions.

Nighttime fell and Diego was up on the mountain, his green eyes glowing in the dark. He still couldn't shake off that feeling that Sid was up to something.

His nose caught Shira's scent and he spotted the silver saber coming in the dark, her blue eyes glowing in the dark. Shira spotted him too and quicken her pace.

"Hey" Diego said as they got closer. "Hey Softie. So what is it you want to tell me?" She asked him casually and Diego just stared at her confused. "I thought you were the one with the surprise" he asked her teasing, thinking she was playing with him.

But Shira tilted her head puzzled. "Surprise? What surprise?" She asked him confused and Diego got more confused. "You know Sid told me you had a surprise for me" he explained to her and she got bewildered. "I never told the sloth about a surprise. And Manny told me you wanted to tell me something" she explained to him and the two cats put two and two together and their eyes widen in realization.

"We got tricked. Argh! I know something was wrong. Those two are so gonna get it when I get back!" Diego said furious, his ears flat annoyed but Shira noticed a glow and she turned to look at it and her eyes widen.

"Diego" she said and Diego looked at her, noticing her attention somewhere else and he looked at her direction. His eyes widen too in amazement.

Up in the sky was the aurora lights, the dark blue sky illuminated with purple and light blue, the stars shimmering along it as the sabers awed at it."You think this is what your friends wanted us to see?" Shira asked Diego, not taking her eyes of the sky.

"Something tells me that they knew about this" Diego said, sitting on his hind legs. Shira looked at him and smiled. She walked over and rested her head on his shoulder  "Whatever they were up to, I think it worked well for us" Shira told him and Diego smiled at her, resting his head on top of hers as they both looked at the lights with Diego thinking of dealing with his friends later.

Ice Age Moments💕Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora