Scaredy Cat

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Ice age should do a halloween special

Tackle, Vibe and Ferry were playing together with Shira chasing the three in a game of tag. "Watch out. The big hungry saber is gonna get you!" Shira told them as she tried pouncing on Tackle but Tackle leaped out of the way and stuck his tongue at her playfully. "Roar!" "Ah!" The four screamed in surprise and turn their heads to where the roar came from.

"Ok fun's over. Let's go home" it was Diego. He had roared from on top of a rock just to give everyone a spook, he smirked at Shira and she glared at him. She rolled her eyes at her mate as she approached him, Diego chuckled at her teasingly "What's so funny?" She asked him still glaring at him angrily.

"Oh just at you being spooked by a roar. Never thought the tough as claws Shira would be a scaredy cat" "scaredy cat?" She asked him annoyed at being called a scaredy cat. While the two sabers were talking, Tackle got the attention of his two friends "psst! Hey" he whispered and the three gathered around and whispered a sneaky plan. Once Tackle finished, the three nodded their heads in agreement and ran off giggling.

"Kids?" Diego and Shira asked once they heard the giggles but when they turn heads around the cubs were gone, their giggles echoed through the forest. Diego and Shira looked at eachother and looked back at the forest. Diego looked up at the sky and noticed night had fallen "Come on you three, it's late. We have to go home" Diego yelled out hoping the cubs heard him and were coming back but there was only silence.

Shira looked at the forset for a moment and then back to Diego, she kinda had a good idea on what the three were up to...and she wanted to join in. "Looks like we have to go in and find them" Shira said walking past her mate and Diego followed her but he didn't notice her sneaky smile.

When Diego had gotten deep in the forest, he noticed Shira was quickly disappearing in his sight "Hey Shira! Could you slow down? We need to stick close ok? Shira?" Diego called out to her but once he reached a dark part of the forest, Shira just vanished.

"Shira?" He asked looking for her, he was surprised how quickly he lost her in his sight. Huffing fustrated, Diego kept going deeper in the forest to now find both three mishevous baby animals and his troublemaking mate. But the deeper he got in the forest, the more darker it got that you could barely even see Diego but luckily his night vision made his yellow eyes glow so those were the only light that stood out from the darkness.

His ears twitched when he heard a rustle in some bushes and he appraoched it cautiously. It was dark inside the bushes but Diego could hear something moving in there. "Shira? Kids?" He asked a little nervous, his ears down a little scared. Then, he saw spotted two glowing blue eyes in the shadows, growling at him.

Diego instantly snarled at it, his ears flats on his head. But then another pair of eyes appeared this time blue and green and then two more: one yellow and the other orange. Diego's snarl vanish and he suddenly felt scared as he stepped back scared. Then, the four pairs of eyes pounced on Diego!

"Aaah!" Diego screamed and felt it pounce on him and pin him to the ground, he closed his eyes tight whimpering in fear. "Gotcha!" "What?" Diego opened his eyes and he was so surprised. The thing that pounced on him was Shira and the kids, they stared at him smirking and instantly bursted into laughing.

Diego stared at them dumbfounded "oh man! Hahah!" Shira laughed so hard, she had never seen Diego so spooked in her life until now. The four got off of Diego so he could stand up on his feet "So who's the scaredy cat now?" Shira taunted Diego as she high fived Tackle, Vibe and Ferry all together. Diego's jaw was down and he really didn't know what to say, Shira stopped laughing and saw that her mate was not responding.

She walked up to him smiling mishevously and licked his nose, that snapped him out of it. Once Diego got over his sudden spook, he glared at the four of them "ok who's idea was this?" He asked annoyed as the four walked past him on their way home "It was Tackle's idea. So he and Vibe and Ferry decided to go in the forest and scare us" "us?" Diego asked confused since he was the only getting the spook.

"Well when I found out what our little furball was up to..." Shira said looking at her cub who smiled at her mishevously before she looked back at Diego "I wanted to join in too" Diego followed Shira his ears down annoyed as he followed the four mishevous animals and talked to himself "I hope no one finds out about this"

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