Proposal(human version)(request)

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Request from Glaceons700101. Diego and Shira are humans in this moment.

"So. Where are we heading, warrior princess?" Shira asked him casually, smirking amused at using one of his least favorite nicknames.

"You'll see" he told her chill, glancing at her from behind before continuing. The huntress stared at him stunned at how he didn't get irritated by that name.

Diego had told her that there was something he wanted to tell her. But it had to be somewhere private so he was leading the way in the night.  Shira kept wondering what her boyfriend was up to.

Meanwhile, Diego was a bit worried. What he was about to do next was big. This could either go well or go bad. He had something inside his hand, his fist closed on it but not hard in fear that he may damage it.

He took a deep breath as he noticed they were arriving at their destination. 'We made it. It's now or never' he thought in his head. He stopped walking and turned around to face his girlfriend.

"We're here"  he told her, the short black haired huntress crossed her arms, looking at him suspicious. "Where here?" She asked him, starting to get annoyed. He smirked at her, motioning his head to look. "Take a look" he told her.

Groaning, she walked past them and her blue eyes scanned around the place. She was about to ask him what it was she was looking at until her eyes laid on a stump...a very familiar looking stump.

"Huh?" She said frowning as she approached the stump closer, kneeling down. Her hand stroked the wood of the stump and suddenly, it hit her. This stump was the one she was imprisoned in when the Herd caught her.

Her eyes widen in realization as she stood up, confused. She could hear footsteps coming behind her and she felt Diego's arms wrap around her slim waist, feeling her soft silver striped fur coat.

"Why did you bring me here?" She whispered to him as her face looked down, looking unsure. But Diego smiled at her warmly and he brought his mouth to her ear.

"Because this is where you and I truly got to know eachother. Where my feelings for you only got stronger" he whispered to her as he brought his hand to her chin and he lifted her face up and turned it to his direction.

The moonlight brought her face more, her blue eyes seemed to shimmer to him and her painted stripes on her face stood out more. Shira felt the same, seeing his green eyes illuminate and his loving smile too.

"Shira. You are the most amazing that has ever come in my life" he started to explained as he removed his chin off her shoulder and turned her around so they were face to face.

"You're the strongest, bravest, most beautiful, sometimes irritating..." he said, joking at the last part and Shira lightly punched his shoulder but she was smiling at him. "Intelligent and most sweetest girl I have met in my lie. I want to spend every moon and sun with you" he told her lovingly as Shira smiled at him big and warmly.

She leaned in to him for a hug and they both wrapped their arms around eachother. "You're a big softie. But your my softie" she whispered to him sweetly, touched by him bringing her back here.

"Shira" he said her name and she looked at him as he broke the hug and he knelt down on one knee. His hand that was till clenched, he held it out and opened it. Inside his palm was this black necklace with a beautiful gem on it, its color matched with Shira's eyes.

Shira stared at him blushing and surprised. "Will you accept this necklace and be my mate?" He asked her nervously but kept his eyes on her.

Shira shakingly gasped and she looked at him shocked. Her blue eyes started to water, her heart was full of so much happiness by his proposal.

She struggled to hold her tears but they quickly started to fall down her cheeks. She kept her head low so he wouldn't see her tears and her hands went to gently pick up the necklace "Y-Yes. Yes" she told him, struggling to keep her voice together as she held the necklace.

Diego was surprised by her reaction but he smiled at her warmly as he got up and he held her face in both his hands, lifting it up to make eye contact. His thumbs wiped her tears, gently brushing her cheeks.

She smiled at him gratefully and happily. Diego smiled back at her and he gently took the necklace and put it around her neck. Shira admired the choker but not as much as her soon to be husband.

"I love you" she whispered to him lovingly as he smiled at her lovingly, wrapping his arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck, their eyes staring into eachother. "I love you...kitty" he said, the last part teasingly as she chuckled at him, not caring he use her least favorite nicknames and the two closed the gap and kissed, glad to soon become mates.

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