Try and Catch Me

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Shira was breathing heavy, her legs were burning. But she wasn't going to stop now. She and Diego were playing chase and she had to avoid getting caught by the brown saber long enough for him to call it quits.

The silver saber quickly jumped on a huge rock and leaped off for extra speed, hoping she was far from Diego so she can catch a breath.

"Tired?" Her ears perked up at his voice and she turned her head around and saw him running by her side, trying to keep up. He wore a smirk on his face.

"In your dreams! I'm just warming up" she told him confident, smirking and sprinted as fast as she could.

Diego chuckled at her determination before speeding up to catch up. She kept zigzagging every time to confuse him, making it hard for him catch up to her.

"Face it Shira! There's no shame in calling it quits" he called out to her from behind. "Yes there is! And watch out" Shira called out to him, flashing a smirk before she zigzagged out of the way and a tree was in front of Diego's view!

"Whoa!" He said startled, his eyes wide and he quickly halted to a stop, almost hitting the tree. He glared at her as Shira laughed mockingly but then his eyes recognized the path Shira took. It was leading to a huge lake and he smirked at the sudden advantage he had...Shira hates water.

The silver saber felt her chest burning up from all the energy she was using, her legs were sore and her paws burning.

She gasped when she saw a large lake in the way and she was not a big fan of water 'Argh! Water! No way I can swim through it' she thought in her head.

Her eyes darted all over the place to find another direction but then "GROWL!" a growl came up and something brown pounced on her!

It was Diego. The brown saber was on top of Shira, his paws kept a firm grip so she wouldn't get away.

The silver cat stared at him completely stunned by his surprise pounce as she panted. Diego was also panting tiredly. Suddenly, Shira started to giggle and this caught Diego by surprise, leaving him confuse as he tilted his head at her.

"Um what's funny?" He asked her, wondering what made her laugh, especially since she lost. Usually, when he would win, she would glare at him or ask for a rematch...this, however, was new and wierd.

She stopped giggling and calmed down, making eye contact with him. "You knew that I would stop once I saw the water" she explained to him smirking. She figured Diego was smart enough to figure out her weakness when it came to water.

Diego chuckled at her, shaking his head "Yeah I knew that. Since you can't swim, I use that to my advantage" he told her proudly and leaned closer to her, their noses almost touching.

She noticed the close distance but remained unfazed. Rather, she smirked at him. "I'm impressed softie" she complimented him and he stared at her blinking and surprised. It was rare for her to give a compliment.

Diego turned his face away, blushing and clearing his throat, he got off of her smiling. "How about we get back to the herd? It's getting late" he pointed out as she got back on her feet ."Ok"she answered and a smirk showed up on her face. "Race ya back!" She told him and tooked off, back in the woods. Diego stood there surprised but he smirked, accepting the challenge, and chased after her.

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