Diego and Shira's Cub

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fatima_mohebba_25 requested a Oneshot where Diego and Shira's cub is born so here it is.
"Third Person's POV"

Diego and Shira were walking straight to their den with Ellie,the she mammoth thought she would stay by her saber friend's side until the cub would be born."So how you holding up Shira?""A little tired but ok" Shira told the mammoth as Diego was in deep thought " Hey you ok softie?""Huh?Yeah I'm fine" Shira stared at her mate " We'll talk when we're alone" Shira told her mate since Ellie was around and Diego smiled.Shira suddenly felt something hurt and winced,stopping at her tracks"Shira?" Ellie asked her friend a little worried " I think it's sooner than we thought for our cub" Diego didn't get it at first and stared at his mate confused"That means now!" Diego suddenly realized it and passed out.
"Shira's POV"

I rolled my eyes at him " Perfect timing Diego,perfect timing" I said sarcastically but I dugged my claws in the ground from the cub kicking inside of me"Ellie!""Hang on Shira,I got you" Ellie grabbed me with her tusk and ran back to where Diego and I live,my eyes widen at Diego being left behind " Wait Ellie what about Diego?""Don't worry I'll have Manny and Sid check on him" she reassured me before I groaned in pain again.
"Diego's POV"

"Diego?Dieeeego?" I heard an annoying voice echoing and something wet hit my face,I woke up and spotted Sid and Manny...should've known that voice was Sid."Your awake" Sid hugged me as I got up"What happen?" I shook off the water and groaned when seeing where it came from...Manny's trunk.My ears perked at remembering something...Shira!"Wait where's Shira?!She's having the cub right now!" I told them my heart racing in panic " Relax,Ellie took her to where you guys are at and is helping Shira out" I groaned in frustration " I have to be there!" I ran for it,ignoring my friends calling me.
"Shira's POV"

I took deep breaths the way Ellie instructed me (the one from Dawn of the Dinosuars) as Peaches,Louis and Brooke set the water down " Your doing great aunt Shira""Yes don't worry luv everything will be ok" I smiled at them supporting me but winced when the cub kept kicking hard " Ok let's do this.Ready....PUSH!"
"Third Person's POV"

Diego got near the den to hear his mate's screams which froze his heart,he tried going in but Buck and the possums stopped him " Whoa whoa!Easy tiger" the weasel made the saber step back " Buck what are you doing?!""Um duh we're trying to keep you out" Diego snarled at the possum twins when Eddie said that and the twins hid behind Buck " situation is under control tiger.Your mate will be just fine and so is that little one of yours " Buck reassured him but it did little good.
"Diego's POV"

Manny and Sid arrived well Sid slipped on the ice and went in the den but not for long Peaches placed in front of us an unconscious sloth " Can you keep uncle Sid out dad,I have to help mom out with aunt Shira" She left and for minutes Shira's screams got louder and louder and I just kept pacing but I stopped when I notice something...it's quiet.I looked at the entrance of the den and I came out " congratulations Diego looks like you got a boy" I smiled a bit and almost like she read my thoughts she told me about Shira's condition " And don't worry,Shira's ok"
"Third Person's POV"

Diego breathed in relief that both his mate and cub were ok,Manny nudged him to get his attention back and urged the saber to go in.Diego headed in the entrance but turn to his two close friends " Don't worry we'll go in once you see that bundle of joy of yours first" Sid reassured him before the saber continued on.As Diego went in,his ears perked at the sight of his mate lying on ground tired and sweating,breathing hard from giving birth,Diego approached his mate slowly not wanting to wake up their cub or place more pressure on Shira.
"Shira's POV"

I caught a familiar scent and turn my head to see Diego,he froze right in his tracks and I smiled at him"Diego..." I breathed out as he approached me again and nuzzled me"You ok?You were screaming alot""Heh.If I can handle being threaten by my former captain or deal with you pouncing on me,then I can handle this" I told him which made him chuckle a bit "But seriously""I'm ok.And you might one check out our little guy" I told him as I showed him what's in my paws.
"Diego's POV"

My eyes widen in curiosity when seeing this tiny little fuzz ball in her arms,he had her fur but his stripes were brown the same tone as my fur.His eyes were still close so it would take some weeks until his eyes open,I smiled large lying down to see him " He's...perfect" I carefully stroked my son's head and I stiffen when he nuzzled my paw a little " I think he knows your the dad" I stared at Shira who smirked at me " So what should we name him?"
"Third Person's POV"

Diego thought deeply about what he wanted to name his son, then one name popped up in his head " What about Danny?""Danny?" Shira questioned her mate,she assumed it would be a tough name"I don't know it just sounds like it suits him" the sabers looked down at their cub when he sneezed before snuggling in his mother's chest,Shira smiled as Diego lied down next to her"Ok.Danny it is" she nuzzled with her mate as she lied down taking a rest while Diego at his mate...and their newborn cub.

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