Welcome to the Herd

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So in this moment this when the herd arrives at Hyrax Island in "Continental Drift" and Shira is nervous so Diego helps.
"Third Person's POV"

As soon as the ice berg came to the island,everyone got off it already exploring the place....except for one.While the herd was coming down,Diego notice Shira wasn't by his side and scanning around spotted her at the back her eyes focus on his herd."Hmm" He stared back and forth at his herd and Shira before walking straight to her,Shira was focused on the other two members of the herd Ellie and Peaches she's only met Manny,Sid,Granny and....Diego.
"Shira's POV"

I was a bit nervous you walk over to the rest of those guys I mean what if the big fat mammoth doesn't trust me and I did try to save his mate but she knows I am pirate...what if know one in the herd is accepting including..Diego?"Shira?" I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Diego coming towards my way " Are you ok?" He said it so gently but I'm still getting use to the feeling of no longer being a pirate.
"Diego's POV"

"What makes you think I'm not ok Softie?" She said smugly but I can tell it was fake " Shira you do know there's no point in hiding it you can just tell me" she seemed so nervous and her ears lowered she took a deep breath before finally admitting it " I'm just...nervous Diego""From what?""From being part of your herd" she looked away from me and I knew how she felt about joining a here"You know I do recall I said welcome to our herd.The others won't mind having you.Come on I'll introduce you to Ellie and Peaches" she smiled at me it was...nice.
"Third Person's POV"

The two sabers walk down the iceberg, Shira sticking very close with Diego they were trying to figure out which herd member to talk to unknown to the sabers Ellie spotted Shira and wanted to talk to her."Let's maybe start with Sid he might be less of problem " Diego suggested and Shira giggled a little but their attention averted to Ellie " Hey Diego.Aren't you that pirate that tried saving me?"
"Shira's POV"

My ears were low really nervous " Um yeah the name's Shira""Nice to meet you Shira I'm Ellie" I smiled at bit feeling less nervous,my ears perked up at some whistling from above two possums on Ellie's head"Hey babe how's it going?""You single?""CRASH!EDDIE!BEHAVE YOURSELVES!" I frowned at those two rolling my eyes but I couldn't focus on those two much cause then I felt a knock on my shoulder.
"Third Person's POV"

Shira turned to face Peaches who was smiling and excited to meet a new friend including one with a good sense of style"Hi"she waved her truck at the saber"I'm Peaches,the mammoth you were talking to is my mom and you probably know my dad Manny.So anyway Shira I just wanna say I really like your earrings""Oh thanks and I really like your hair Peaches""Thank you" Shira had to admit she was really liking the female mammoths " Um hi I'm Louis" the molehog approached her nervously she lowered down a bit being gentle " Hi Louis I'm Shira"
"Diego's POV"

I smiled seeing how things were going for Shira and half of my herd"Ow!" I quietly laughed seeing that crazy old sloth wacked her on the head with that stick " Hey pirate lady you gonna give me a hello or not?""Now Granny that's not how you treat a friend,Shira is still new" Sid pulled his crazy grandma away from her as soon as Manny came " So Shira um...I just wanna thank you for trying to help my wife and fighting with me and Diego against your former captian""Your welcome Manny"
"Third Person's POV"

Shira was really happy,Diego was right this was way better than pirates,"Hey Sidney come help me find some kiwis bye bye pirate lady" Granny was wearing her new 'teeth' and Shira seeing it up close really spook her that she accidentally bumped into Diego,the two sabers chuckled nervously both blushing yet smiling before they joined the herd on exploring the island.

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