Blind Date (request)

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@Glaceons70010 requested a blind date

Tackle was running super fast to find Diego. He was heading to one of their hunting grounds and the cub spotted his dad crouching in the grass and stalking a deer.

"DAAAAAD!" Tackle yelled so loud and it spooked the deer and it ran off. Diego got out of the grass and glared at Tackle who ran straight to his and had this huge smile.

"There better be a good reason why you ruined my hunt" he asked furious but trying to stay calm. "Oh I'm sorry dad. It's just that mom wants you to go to the flower meadow right now" Tackle explained all innocent but Diego stared at him with a raised eyebrow suscpious. 'That cub is a acting too innocent today' Diego thought in his head.

'Can it wait until after I hunt?" He asked and Tackle shook his head no. Diego thought for a moment "ok" he said, walking past Tackle and the cub watched him leave. What Diego didn't see behind him was Tackle flashed a mishevious smile and laughed sneaky "hee hee".

While Diego was on his way to the meadow, he was still thinking on Tackle and Shira. "That was weird. Why was Tackle acting so innocent? Too innocent. Wait a second, I didn't even ask that sneaky furball what Shira wanted" Diego talked to himself as he entered the meadow without even knowing it and he just kept walking...and someone else was doing the same thing.

"Ow!" Suddenly Diego bumped into someone and both he and that someone else said ow. He groaned and rubbed his head, he looked to see who bumped into him "Shira?" He said surprised while Shira stared at him surprised.

"Diego?" She said confused as they stared at eachother. "Ok I'm here. So what wasn't that you wanted me for that you sensed Tackle to interrupt  my hunt?" Diego asked but his question surprised Shira and made her confused.

"I didn't send Tackle. You did" she corrected him or she thought she did and Diego stared at her more confused. "Huh?" He said. "Tackle told me that you wanted me to come to the meadow so you can tell me something" she explained to him.

"Did Tackle say why?" Diego asked and Shira shook her head no. "That's odd. But Tackle told me that it was you that wanted to see me" Diego told her and the two sabers were puzzled...but then....

The sabers' eyes got big when they figured it out. Tackle had tricked them. "We've been tricked!" They both said. "I knew it! I knew there was something off about him today!" Diego said angry that he got outsmarted by a cub.

"Tackle tricked us? Wow. I'm impressed by that little furball" Shira said smirking, proud of her cub's snarkiness. Her eyes looked at the meadow and her smirk fell. She started looking at the meadow more and felt a familiar feeling. She gasped, recognizing the meadow.

"Diego" she said not taking her eyes of the meadow "What?" He asked annoyed. "I think I know why Tackle set us up. Look" she told him and Diego looked at her direction and in a moment his annoyed face fell and he realized what she meant.

"I know this place. This is where..." Diego said surprised "where you told me that you love me" Shira finished his sentence as she looked at him, smiling warmly. Diego got out of his shock and smiled warmly at her too. It was also a starry nighttime just like the night where Diego told Shira how much he loved her.

"It's also where you told me we would be getting a cub. It's been a long time the last time we were here" Diego added as Shira walked up and nuzzled under his neck, the two cats purring with  their eyes closed.

Diego opened his eyes when he remembered something that puzzled  him. "Wait but how did Tackle knew about this place? This was suppose to be our special secret place" Diego asked still puzzled...he was actually thinking about asking Tackle.

"No idea Diego..." Shira said and a mishevious smile was on her face and she suddenly shoved Diego down to the ground, laughing while on top of him. Diego stared at her blushing, especially with how close she was, their noses almost touching.

She giggled at the look on his face and licked his nose, leaving a goofy smile look on his face. "Tag. Your it" she told  him and ran off laughing. Diego shook out of his lovestruck daze and laughing, he chased after his mate.

What the two sabers didn't know was their sneaky cub Tackle had showed up to check on his parents and was hiding in the grass from a far. Tackle smiled happy seeing his parents having fun. "Well I'm gonna spend the night with Vibe. I'll let mom and dad have their fun" Tackle said walking away with a smile on his face.

So just so you know the meadow is from two other moments so yeah but how do you think Tackle knows the sabers' little special place?

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