Blind Date setup by the Dads(request)

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Request from TCLegend. My ocs Tyto(shira's dad) and raylan (diego's dad) are in this one and they belong to me. Diego and Shira belong to the franchise.

The old sabers, Raylan, and Tyto were hanging out. The brown saber was drinking water while the silver one was asleep.

"Kids come on. Stop tugging on our legs"

Tyto's ears perked at hearing his daughter's voice and he glanced over. Diego and Shira were watching over the cubs which included Tackle and his cousins. The two cats looked worn out, tired and grumpy.

"Raylan" Tyto called out to him. Raylan turned his head to look at him. "Come here" the silver saber said, motioning his head to look. The brown cat left the waterhole and walked over to him. Raylan looked at his direction and saw their kids walking with their grandkids.

Diego and Shira looked exhuasted and annoyed as the cubs kept playing with them and following them, jumping up and down to tug on their ears or play fight with them. Raylan chuckled amusingly. "Now they know how we felt" he commented amused and it even made Tyto chuckled. Both loved their cubs but raising them was certainly a handful.

"As much as I love seeing them walk in our paws, they look exhausted. I think they need a break from the children" Tyto explained to him as Raylan looked at his son, and daughter in law. They both looked worn out and their patience waning with the cubs.

"True. Tyto, you and I have raised our cubs before. You especially have experience in raising more than cub" Raylan told him as the silver saber briefly glanced at him. "Are you implying I know how handle more than one cub? I'll tell you this Raylan, having one is better than two. Two cubs means double the responsibility" Tyto explained to him as Raylan chuckled at him.

"Well, maybe you and I can take the cubs off them and perhaps give those two...." he said, pausing. Tyto turned to look at him, curious on how he was going to finish his sentence. "...some much needed time alone" Raylan finished his words with a mishevious smirk and Tyto shared the same smirk. "I couldn't agree more" he said as they both looked at their kids with a plan.

Diego groaned exhausted as he headed to a water hole and plopped down onto the ground, tired. The cubs noticed the water and directed their attention to it. It relieved the saber as he took the chance to take a water break. Shira was getting irritated and had fallen behind him, snarling a warning at the cubs. He wanted to help his mate but just like her, he was losing his energy and patience.


Suddenly, he found himself splashed in the face with water. His eyes blinked surprised at what just happened and he found the cubs playing the water. Tackle and one of his cousins were splashing water at eachother and it got on their dad by accident. Diego sighed defeated, lacking the strength to scold them.

"Now you know how I feel"

His ears perked at another voice and he glanced up to find his dad, smiling amused. "Yep. Now I know how you felt, raising me. At least you had one cub only" Diego commented tiredly, earning a chuckle from Raylan as he lied down next to his son.

"Listen. I now you might be exhausted. But Shira wants to talk to you. It sounds important" he explained to him calmly and Diego glanced at him and back at the his son and nephew. "Can it wait? I can't leave Tackle and Carlos" Diego told him. Raylan shook his head.

"It's urgent Diego. I don't think it can wait. She seemed serious about something" he explained to him and Diego got a bit surprised, wondering what his mate wanted. Not realizing that he falling into his dad's trap.  "Listen. I'll watch over the boys and you go see Shira. Head over to the grasslands by sunset. She'll meet you there" Raylan explained. "Alright then. Thanks dad. Greatly appreciate it" Diego told him, standing up and leaving. Once he was gone, Raylan chuckled, seeing his plan had worked. Now it was up to Tyto.


"Argh! Stop it! Don't make me swat you!" Shira told them fustrated as her nephew and niece kept play biting on her legs and paws, playing rough with her. She had snarled at them couple times to no avail. "Having trouble snowball?" Her ears perked at a voice, recognizing the nickname. She glanced up to find her dad approaching her.

"Hi dad" she said exhausted, trying to muster a smile. "I see you have your paws full my daughter" Tyto commented amused, seeing how rough his grandcubs were. It reminded him how Shira was like that. Drove him and his mate crazy. The she cat rolled her eyes. "Haha very fun. Mock me all you want dad. Ow!" Shira told him plainly but one of the cubs bit and tugged on her ear hard by surprise.

"Camilla! Camo! Enough!"

Tyto's firm scolding got the two cubs to calm down and sit down with her their heads and ears low submissive. While Tyto was amused to see his daughter feel what he felt as a parent, he was not gonna tolerate anyone messing with his daughter. "Thank you dad" Shira told him gratefully, rubbing her sore ear. "Listen. Diego wants to see you for something important. He wants you to meet him at the grasslands by sunset. Leave the cubs to me. I think they need some displcine" he explained to them, briefly staring down at the cubs with a firm look that made them shrink back.

"Thanks dad. Take care" she told him, nuzzling his face before taking off. Tyto smirked, glad to see his plan worked. He turned to his grandcubs briefly holding a serious look but it softened into a smile as he nuzzled each one. "Come on you two" he told them, walking off with his grand cubs following close.

In the grasslands, sunset....

Diego was on a piece of rock, waiting for his mate. He felt the cool breeze hit his fur as he closed his eyes and it felt so good and soothing. 'Not gonna lie. That feels good' He thought in his head until he caught a whiff of his mate's scent in the air. He glanced ahead and saw her coming.

"Hey Shira" he called out to her as she got closer to him. "Hey Softie" she told him back, looking at the sunset briefly. It looked beautiful and the light hitting on her fur brought a brief warmth mixed with the cool air which felt really nice.

"So what is it that is so important that you had to see me?" He asked her, bringing back her attention. However, what he said made her frown. She turned to look at him and he saw how confused she look. "What do you mean? You were one who had something important to say" she told as she climbed onto the rock he was on. Now it was Diego's turn to be confused.

"Um no. My dad told me you wanted to say something" he told her as she lied down next to him, facing opptisw direction. "Well, my dad said...wait" she said and the two cats' eyes widen when it came to realization. They were setup.

"Did we get setup by our dads?" Shira asked him, dumbfounded that they fell for a trick by their dads. "I think we did. Huh, who knew my old man and yours can trick us that easily" Diego said surprised and wondering why they did that.

However, Shira had an idea on why they did and she smiled, deciding to go with. She could see they were somewhere quiet and seemed to be alone with them only. Plus with the cooling weather and beautiful sunset, they had this nice quiet paradise to themselves.

Shira made herself comfortable and nuzzled her mate, catching him by surprise as he blushed. "Shira?" He asked her surprised. "Whatever the reason, let's just enjoy this place right now. We both need this" she told him, lying against as she purred contently. Diego pondered her words and started to understand what she meant. He smiled content as well and nuzzled her back. Both cats took this chance to enjoy their time together lone in peace and quiet.

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