Nose to Nose (request)

529 10 3

Request from Glaceons700101

Diego was resting on a rock while Manny and Peaches were playing ice hockey with Sid as the referee.

"Come on Dad! Or are you getting rusty?" Peaches taunted her dad as she swiped the puck from him. "Rusty? I'll show you rusty!" Manny replied with a smirk as he chased after his daughter.

"Oh looks like Manny is gonna catch up to Peaches. Will Manny still king of ice hockey? Or will Peaches take his place in ice hockey? It's-" Sid started loudly but a snowball hit his head, interrupting him.

"Would you be quiet? I can't sleep" Diego complaine annoyed as he put his head down to sleep again. Sid glared at Diego but then he spotted Shira and Ellie chatting near the ice hockey. Sid looked at Shira and back at Diego and he smiled deviously with a sneaky idea.

"Hey Sid?" Sid heard Manny call him and he turn back to the ice hockey rink and saw the two mammoths staring at him. "What are you thinking about?" Peaches asked curious.

"Oh I'm just thinking about how I'm gonna get revenge on Diego. And it's gonna be good" Sid said, rubbing his hands sneaky like. Manny shook his head "This is not gonna end well" Manny said plainly.

Sid quietly crept to the rock Diego was sleeping on. He peeked over to see Shira sitting near the edge of the ice rink. Sid quietly chuckled sneakily and he brought his fist up and positioned it above Diego's tail. "Ok Sid. It's not the first time you upset Diego by hurting his tail. So hit the tail and run fast" Sid whispered to himself, knowing he better run for his life.

Sid slammed his fist on Diego's tail and...

"ROOOAR!" Diego roared in both pain and rage. "That's my cue!" Sid yelled and quickly made a run for it right in front of the saber and Diego snarled at him and lunged at him, missing the sloth barely by the tail.

"SID!" Diego yelled out furious and chased him as the Herd watched the whole thing. Sid quickly ran to the ice rink with Diego hot on his tail.

"Whoa!" Diego said as his paws slipped on the ice and he struggled to keep balance. Sid on the other hand was able to slide on the ice pretty easily.

"Oh Diego" Sid called and Diego looked at him while struggling and Sid blew a raspberry at him and Diego glared at him irritated and enraged, his ears flat and his teeth bared and he snarled at the sloth.

Sid gulped in fear, knowing an angry Diego was his worst nightmare. "AAAH!" Sid yelled when Diego lunged at him again and the sloth quickly slided out of the way.

Diego kept lunging at him. It wasn't easy for the saber to slide on the ice but lunging from spot to spot was more maneuverable for him. Sid kept sliding away from Diego to escape him. One pounce and the sloth is done for.

Little did Diego know was Sid was leading him to Shira's direction, the she saber watching the two and not expecting what was gonna happen next.

Diego lunged at the sloth one more and Sid quickly dodged. Diego slid on the ice but his eyes widen in panic when he saw he was going to Shira's direction.

"No no no noooo!" Diego yelled as his paws and claws tried to halt on the ice but the ice was too slippery. Shira stood up alarmed but had no time move out of the way.

Diego manage slow down to a stop and got so close to Shira's face and their noses touched. The two cats froze and blushed deeply, embarrassed.

"Um..." both Shira and Diego said as they both moved their faces away from eachother so their noses weren't touching anymore. "Ummmm sorry" Diego said looking away with an awkard smile as he almost slipped again while standing up.

"Um it's ok. It's cool" Shira replied awkwardly with an awkard smile. Diego's ears perked up at Sid laughing, the sloth sliding off the ice rink. Diego turned to glare him, snarling.

"ARGH! SID I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Diego yelled furious and he charged at the sloth. Sid yelled snd quickly ran for it with a furious saber hot on his rear. The two passed the mammoths "I told you this was gonna end badly!" Manny called out to him "I should've listen to you! AAAAAH!" Sid yelled back as he kept running with Diego chasing him.

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