Manny the babysitter (request)

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Request from Tannerh012. Requests are open now

"Can't catch me!" Tackle yelled confident as he ran around the den excitedly with someone chasing him. "Get back ya little scamp!" Diego yelled confident as he tried multiple times to pounce on his son but failed. Tackle would always find a turn or some way to slip through his dad. Shira was standing watch at the entrance of the den, waiting for something and she glanced behind her at her mate and cub. The mama saber chuckled at the cuteness and how they got along so well.

"Hey Shira!" Her ears twitched at voice near her and she turned back. She spotted Manny walking towards the sabers' den. "Hey softie!" She turned around back to her family, finding Diego on the ground with Tackle in his paws. He glanced at his mate who approached them both.

"Manny's here to babysit Tackle. You sure he could handle our little furball?" She asked him questionable as Tackle squirmed out of his dad's arms and climbed up his head. Diego glanced away uncertainly.

"Well I already told him that there's a difference between watching over a baby mammoth and a saber cub. And that was back when Tackle starting learning to talk" he told her as Tackle playfully tugged on his ear.

"Yeah and I remember you told me how Tackle ripped a piece of fur of Manny. Heh. Proud of the little guy" Shira added proudly and amusingly. "I don't know if Manny has learned his lesson that time. And I don't know if Tackle is any different from the first time" Diego noted as he shook his head, making his cub fall in his paws.

"Well only one way to find out" Shira said as the family went to the entrance of the den where the mammoth waited for them. "Hey Manny! How's it going?" Diego told his friend as Tackle scampered to his uncle and immediately started swatting his trunk playfully.

"Hey Diego. Shira. Ready for your date? It must have been awhile since Tackle came along" Manny commented as he gently wrapped his trunk around Tackle, picked him up and put him on his back. It was true that Diego and Shira rarely went on dates or had any alone time since they had to look out for Tackle.

"Yeah it had been awhile. Hey um do you want us to get Ellie or Brooke to help you look out for Tackle? He may have grown since last time you babysat him but that doesn't mean he's not as energetic as before" Diego asked him, still not sure if Manny can handle their cub.

Manny scoffed at them, unconcerned. "Relax buddy. Look last time Tackle was smaller and didn't understand anything at them time. He's got older now and knows some things so I think this time I'm prepared. You two go on your date and don't worry about anything" he assured them casually. The sabers glanced at eachother, still unsure about this. But it looked like Manny would not change his mind. He was being too stubborn.

"Alright. Tackle you be good to your uncle ok?" Diego told his cub who slid down the mammoth's trunk. "Ok" Tackle said cheerfully, nuzzling his parents before they left for their date.

Manny and Tackle went inside and played some ball together until the cub got bored and suddenly stopped the ball. "Uncle Manny. I'm getting bored. I wanna hear a story" he told him as the cub lied down.

"Well what do you wanna hear about?" Manny asked him and Tackle already had a story in mind. "Tell me your story uncle Manny. Like how you met my dad and Sid and then aunt Ellie and the rest of it" he suggested to him and it surprised the mammoth. "Well um ok" Manny said as he started at the beginning.

Few minutes later....

"So that's it. That's how I met your dad and uncle Sid" Manny finished the story as Tackle sat curled in a ball in his trunk. "So you had another family before aunt Ellie and cousin Peaches? They sound nice" the cub commented  nicely as he fidgeted with the trunk. The mammoth smiled warmly at the cub as he rubbed his head.

"Still....I don't get why you don't wanna admit your fat" he said out of the blue and Manny froze embarrassed. "" he said unsurely as the cub glanced at him with suspicion.

"That's because I'm not fat. I'm just poofy" he denied it but Tackle was not having it. The cub glanced at Manny's belly and smirked misheviously. His claws retracted and he climbed up Manny's trunk in an instant up his head. Manny blinked surprise to process what just happen.

"Manny. You should know I don't like lies. So either you admit the truth or I'm gonna do what I did a long time ago when I was little. You know what I mean right?" Tackle asked him misheviously as he pawed Manny on his stomach, referring to the time he ripped a chunk of fur of him.

"Tackle. Come on. Don't be mean" Manny pleaded with him, smiling nervously. He did not want a repeat of that and he did not want to be wrong again with his friends. Last time, two things hurted: his fur and his pride.

Tackle shook his head disappointed as his claws were set above the fur. "Last chance uncle. One....two...." he counted down and just as he was about to get to three, Manny gave in.

"Ok ok ok! I admit it!" Manny yelled frantically. "About?" Tackle asked persistently, wanting to hear the words. "That I'm fat" Manny admitted in defeat, glancing down. "Good. See? That wasn't so bad was it?" The cub said satisfied while gently patting his uncle.

He slid down his trunk and curl it around like a blanket. Manny never thought the cub to be so mishevious yet persistent. He's was becoming more like his parents. "You admit that you're fat and I'm proud of you for it. Goodnight Manny" the cub said sleeping and he fell asleep. Despite the cub embarrassing him, Manny couldn't help but smile warmly at how cute the litte cat was. He too fell asleep just as Diego and Shira arrived to the den and found them asleep. Both cats looked at eachother surprised but smiled at seeing that went alright...unless Tackle talks about what happen.

Ice Age Moments💕Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon