Father-Son Hunting(Father's Day)

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Father's day is coming up! So a fun hunting practice moment with Diego and his cub Tackle

Sid was out picking some berries for his date with Brooke tonight, what he didn't know was two sabers surrounded him in the grass, one in front with brown fur and the other behind with silver fur. The brown one moved closer until he blew his cover when the sloth so him.

"Oh ho I see you Diego. You won't catch me this time" Sid told him confidently as Diego got out of his hiding spot and walked towards the sloth "You got lucky Sid" "Yep. You've surprised so many times that my sloth senses have learn to detect trouble" Sid said with confidence until a small silver blur jumped on his back and pushed him down face down the ground.

"Did your sloth sense detect that?" Diego taunted him with a smirk as the silver blurred hunter was Tackle who had successfully pounced on Sid. The cub got off the sloth as he and his dad fist bumped "Nice job kiddo. You are gonna make a great hunter" he told him rubbing the cub's furry head.

The two sabers left the sloth to continue their hunting practice. Tackle kept pouncing on Diego's back legs everytime leaving Diego to stop each time to shake the cub off his foot "Hey! Quit it back there!" He told him playfully as he shook the cub off gently so not to hurt him. Tackle laughed as he got back on his feet until his ears caught a grunting sound.

While Diego continued walking, Tackle walked off to find the source of the sound, it came from a herd of caribou eating some grass. "Ok Tackle how about we practice on the opossums this time? Tackle?" Diego turned around and notice Tackle watching the caribou. He joined his cub's side "Hey dad let's practice on these guys" "the caribou?" Diego had a look of surpise and unsure "I don't know. Hunting is not a game and those guys don't back down in a hunt" "Please dad. It will be just like with Sid. You'll distract one of them and I'll catch them"

Diego scanned the Herd with his eyes until it spotted a caribou calf 'that one should be an easy catch for Tackle' Diego thought in head with a smirk "Ok" he put his paw around his son "see that calf? I'll distract it and you'll try to bring it down but watch out for its hooves" he instructed him as they snuck in the grass around the herd and surrounded the calf from behind.

The calf spotted Diego as he purposely blew his cover. Tackle, seeing his chance, sprunged out and grabbed the calf's back leg trying to bring it down as it struggled and tried escaping...until trouble came. A loud grunt caught the sabers' attention, a large caribou charged at them, Diego's protective dad instincts kicked in and he leaped out of the grass.

"Tackle run!" Diego pounced on the caribou as the young cub ran into a bush to hide and watch his dad. The large male caribou jumped around trying to get the saber off him, Diego had latched his claws and teeth on its neck but the caribou moved so fast that Diego started losing his grip and he fell off rolling on the ground. The Diego shook his head to shake off the pain but his eyes spotted the animal charging at the bush where Tackle was hiding.

"TACKLE!" He yelled out in panic as the caribou charged through the bush with his huge antlers. But luckily to Diego's relief, Tackle ran out of the bush in a close call and in full speed...good thing he was fast. But they weren't out of danger yet. That caribou started chasing Tackle as the cub tried desperately to escape it's hooves and antlers.

Diego, in full panic, ran after the caribou and pounced on its back, biting it hoping to bring it down and save his cub but that caribou didn't back down that easy and shook the saber off its back while still chasing Tackle. Diego fell of the caribou, rolling on the ground and everything went black.

Diego's eyes opened slowly from unconsciousness. He groaned from the stinging pain he got from tumbling on the ground as he stood up his muscles aching. He noticed it was sunset until something popped up in realization "Tackle!" Diego looked all over the place fearing the caribou had caught up with his cub. 'Stupid, stupid, stupid! I should never have tried practicing on caribou! I'll never forgive myself if something happen to Tackle' Diego said in his head searching everywhere and calling for him.

There was still no sign of Tackle and a tired out Diego was starting to feel frustrated thinking his cub was gone because of him. Diego let out a frustrated roar that echoed through the forest as his head fell down and his ears low thinking Tackle was gone...until "chirp" his ears and head sprung up recognizing that sound...a saber cub chirp. Diego roared again not as loud as before, his ears perked to hear. Another chirp came up and it sounded close.

With hope, Diego kept roaring and followed the chirps to some long grass. The saber entered the long grass his head turning left and right, front and back for his cub. "Tackle?" He called out until he felt something suddenly pounce on his back leg. "Whoa!" He fell on the ground and turned snarling until he spotted "Tackle!" He said happy to see his cub hugging his back leg "Dad!" Diego wrapped his paw around Tackle hugging him as the cub snuggled his head in his fur.

Diego's eyes scanned up and down the cub for any bruises or scratches but by luck Tackle had come out unharmed. "Tackle" he said in relief with a big smile "I was so worried. Are you ok?" "Yeah. I was so scared. I didn't know where to find you after that caribou came" "It's over now. I'm just glad I found you."

Diego told him giving him a lick on the forehead. Diego let Tackle ride on his back as the two went back home.

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