A Sick Shira (request)

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Request from TienpatChangsnit

Shira felt her head aching and throbbing. Her stomach did not feel too good. Looking at anything that was food made her feel sick to the point she would throw up. But she thought she could push herself to make it through the day. Big mistake. Every step she took was heavy and her vision was spinning. Her ears were low and her senses so dim that she didn't even hear, see or smelled that someone took notice if her current state.


Despite her senses being dampened, she recongized the voice and turned her head to it. The brown saber was with his friends when he noticed Shira passing by and not looking like herself. He decided to go check on her.

"Hey Softie? What's up?" She asked him, her voice sounded very sore and raw as she smiled weakly at him. Diego wasn't convinced. He could see her fur was pale, her voice was scratchy, ears low, and her blue eyes were dim.

"Ok how about you drop off the tough girl act and tell me why you look like a dead prey?" He asked her plainly. But inside he was worried about her. She didn't look like herself today.

Before she could reply with a sarcastic comment as usual, her head started throbbing and her vision suddenly was blurring. Everything around her was spinning and she suddenly felt herself getting lighter. Despite her fading vision, she could see Diego's expression changed to worry and she found herself falling. "Shira? Shira!" Diego's panic voice was the last thing she heard before blacking out

Shira grumbled before reopening her eyed tiredly. Her blue eyes saw a smooth, brown stone wall. As she scanned her surroundings to make out where she was, she saw Diego standing in front of her with a stern glare. She also realized that she was in his den too since the entrance was behind him.

"Heh. Hey Softie" she told him, smiling at him weakly but his glare got sterner. "Don't hey softie me. What were you thinking? Going outside when you have a fever" He asked her upset, his ears flattening. After she passed out, he got scared for her and brought her to Ellie. That's when he learned she had a fever. Fustrated by that, he brought her to his den until she woke up.

"It was just a small cold at first" she told him before coughing hard, proving herself wrong. "Shira, come on. What if someone saw you like this, and tried to hurt you? Or what if you were so stupid enough you would tried to hunt and get yourself hurt instead?!" He scolded her fiercely, catching her by surprised. It was more rare to see him get so furious like this.

The brown saber closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm himself down. When they opened, she saw a soft look in those green eyes of his. "I'm gonna head back to Ellie to get some medicine. Don't even think of leaving this place. I will not hesitate to carry you back here again. Stubborn, reckless saber" he told her firmly, mumbling the last part before turning around to leave. Shira blinked surprised at what she just heard. "He....carried me here? To his den?" She asked herself, stunned. The saber didn't think that her friend would carry her back to his den.

Her ears perked up at a sound and she spotted Diego returning, the brown saber carried a green leaf bag in his teeth. He set it down in front of her, letting it open which revealed these herbs in front of her. "Here. Ellie says they'll make you feel better" he explained to her, nudging them closer to her to eat.

Shira lifted her head up, and munched on some of it. Her face frowned from the bitter taste. "Yeah I know. It's bitter but it's supposed to help" he told her, smiling amused at her expression. She glanced up at him annoyed. "Could you at least told me before I took a bite?" She asked him irritated as he lied down next to her.

"And miss that look on your face? Not a chance Kitty" he told her amusingly as she groaned annoyed. If she wasn't sick, she would've pounced on him for two reasons. One, not telling her that the herbs were bitter, and two for calling her that nickname.

Diego's face soften though as he looked at her. "Shira" he said her name as she looked back at him with that annoyed look but it softened when she saw how worried he look. "I'm sorry that I scolded you. I was just worried about you" he told her, his ears lowered as she stared at him.

"Honestly, I wasn't sure if you would wake up or not so I stayed here until I was sure you were ok. When you passed out, it scared me. You looked so pale, and your breathing wasn't normal" he explained to her, recalling how she passed out, he was so worried about her. Seeing her in a way he never seen her before made him scared that he was going to lose her.

Shira stared at him, feeling awful that she made him worry like that. Diego wasn't the type to easily share his emotions with just anyone. "Look, you had a good reason to be upset with me. I thought I could push myself through it, you know" she told him, her ears low as she rested her chin on her paws.

"But as usual you were too prideful to admit that you were sick huh?" He asked her, teasing her. She chuckled at him, smiling sheepishly. "Hey you know me. I don't like being held down by anything" she told him, smirking. Diego shook his head, smiling at her.

"Still. Next time if you don't feel well, can you stay at the den? Please?" He asked her serious yet soft. Shira turned her eyes away from him, blushing a bit. She found it sweet that he was concerned for her. That he carried her back to his den, and brought her medicine. "Ok. Next time, I won't be reckless and make sure to get rest" she assured him, glancing back at him with a smile.

Diego smiled back at her, sensing the honesty in her voice. "Well that saves me trouble. Get some rest because I am not leaving until you're all better" he told her as he moved to her side and lied down next to her letting her lean her body against his like a pillow.  "I can get used to this" she whispered as she sighed content, leaning into his soft fur, falling asleep. Diego smiled at seeing her look peaceful, and relax. He gave her a lick on her forehead, promising to care for her until she was all better.

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