Home sweet Home

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Around half-hour later Jack and Nikki arrive home with Orla, they pull up on the driveway and chuckle to each other when they see Poppy waving frantically at them through the window. Jack looks at Nikki and smirks, he places his hand on her knee, "Ready for this? Our crazy life with four children?" He asks. 
She smiles at him and leans over to kiss him, "Of course, Look at Poppy's face... she is so excited. Come on," She smiles. 

Jack chuckles glancing back at his daughter who is now waiting at the door with his Mum, Jack and Nikki look at each other and take a breath before getting out the car, Nikki smiles at the watches Poppy bounce on the stop on the doorstep waiting to see her little sister. Nikki walks around the car and comes to Jack's side, "A better reception from Poppy, especially after the temper tantrum she has when I had Maddie," Nikki smiles. 

"Definitely," Jack smiles as he unclips the car seat from the base and lifts the car seat out the car with Orla in earning a gasp from Poppy. Jack locks the car and follows Nikki towards the house, "Hey wee princess," Jack smiles cheerfully. 

Poppy hugs Nikki's legs before looking into the car seat at her little sister, "Is that my baby sister?" Poppy quizzes as Jack, Nikki, and Josephine all chuckle at the five-year-old. 
"Come on Poppy, let your Mum and Dad get through the door and settle your sister," Josephine speaks as she ushers Poppy into the lounge where Maddison and Freya are. 

Nikki shuts the front door and removes her shoes and Jack copies her actions while playing the car seat down on the floor briefly before carrying it into the lounge. Nikki smiles happily as she watches Poppy walk over to the car seat and kneel down in front of the car seat, she takes hold of Orla's hand and smiles happily at her. "What is her name Mummy?" Poppy asks curiously. 

"her name is Orla, sweetheart."
"Orla... I like that name, Hello Orla, I'm Poppy..." She grins cheerfully. 
Nikki's heart melts as she watches her eldest child interact with her youngest for the first time. Maddison noticing the attention isn't on her gets up and walks over to the car seat and peers into it, "Baby?" She quizzes looking up at her parents. 
"Yes that's Orla," Jack smiles.
"The baby that was in Mummy's tummy, Maddie," Poppy responds. 

Soon Jack sees his Mum out after sitting chatting to her for a while and allowing her to hold Orla, He comes back into the lounge after seeing his Mum off making sure she gets to the taxi. He sits down on the sofa next to Nikki placing his arm around her and pulling her into his side, "Look at them," Nikki sighs contently as she watches Poppy and Maddison stand over the Moses Basket watching Orla sleep. 
"They're besotted by her, best feeling ever" Jack mumbles and steals a kiss from her.

They both sit there watching the girls for a moment before noticing that Maddison is getting a little too rough with her hands, Nikki sits forward but before she can say anything Poppy jumps in and stops Maddison, "Kind hands Maddie," She smiles as holds Maddison's hand for a moment. 
Jack and Nikki share a look before smiling at each other, "This is your doing, raising them correctly," He mumbles and kisses her cheek again. 
"And you... you're doing it too," Nikki responds. 
"Very true, I mean I teach them everything you really pretend you know what you are doing," Jack smirks, Nikki just glares at him and rolls her eyes before glancing back at the girls. 

Nikki notices Maddison starting to dance on the spot and sits up off the sofa, "Maddison? Do you need to go to the toilet for a wee, wee?" Nikki asks curiously. 
"No, I fine..." Maddison responds before looking back at Orla. 

Nikki just nods and sits back wondering if her dancing about was to do with excitement, Poppy one the other hand remains at Orla's side holding her hand, Maddison reaches for Orla again and goes to poke her eye. Poppy grabs Maddison's hand and stops her, "No Maddie, kind hands!" Poppy speaks as she restricts Maddison's movement.
"Maddison!" Nikki warns and Maddison looks back at her Mother before pushing Poppy off her and letting out a wail. 
"No, No, No! No-touch!" Maddison cries hysterically as she smacks Poppy's hands away.
"Maddie, shh! Baby sleeping!" Poppy responds as she glances at her parents who are observing the situation. 

Jack sits forward and glances into the Moses Basket before sitting back when he sees Orla is asleep, "Poppy, don't touch Maddie, you know she doesn't like to be grabbed," Jack warns as Maddison continues to cry. 

Nikki sighs and pulls Maddison onto her lap to cuddle her, while Jack sorts Freya out who has crawled off into the kitchen again and is probably messing with the cat's water as usual. Nikki pulls Maddison onto her lap. "Oh Maddie, why are you wet?" Nikki speaks softly. 

Maddison becomes more hysterical, "I wee, wee... I sorry" Maddison cries as she hides her face in Nikki's shoulder. 
"Oh, baby you should tell me when you need to have a wee. Let's get you dry and clean... Accidents happen sweetheart."

Nikki stands up and puts Maddison on the floor before seeing Jack walking through with Freya sat in his arms. "Madam made a runner for the utility, after that cat litter again," Jack smirks. 
She rolls her eyes and looks down at Maddison, "Maddie has had an accident, I'm going to get her cleaned up," Nikki responds with a smile before taking Maddison to the downstairs toilet where she is also joined by Poppy. 

"Maddie wet herself? I don't do that anymore, I'm a big girl..." Poppy grins as she loves to tease her younger sisters recently. 
Nikki raises an eyebrow at her eldest as she changes Maddison into clean clothes, despite only giving birth three days ago she is adamant for nothing to change so continues to look after them all like normal. "Excuse me, Poppy, didn't you wet the bed last week? Don't be so mean to your sister she's only young. You were her age once too!" Nikki warns not liking how harsh Poppy is getting in her words to others. 

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