Never Change

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Poppy skips merrily through to the kitchen and looks up at her parents who are stood talking to each other. Poppy then walks over and scoops Merlin the kitten they kept from Milly's litter of kittens. She cuddles him tightly as the young cat lays calmly in her arms. She places Merlin now and walks over to her parents after hearing them talking, "Mummy you shouldn't worry, you don't want to upset the baby" Poppy smiles cheerfully as she places her hand on Nikki's bump.

"You're too sweet Poppy, never change" Nikki smiles warmly as she crouches down at Poppy's height.

Poppy steps forward and smiles at her Mum. "You're too beautiful Mummy, don't change" Poppy responds and steps forwards wrapping her arms around Nikki's neck, Poppy knocks Nikki off balance but luckily Jack is behind her and manages to keep her upright.

Jack helps Nikki up from her crouched position. "Who's coming to play Mummy?" Poppy asks.
Nikki looks at Jack a little unsure of how to tell Poppy that her estranged grandfather is coming round, "just a friend of Mummy's okay?" Jack speaks.

She nods happily at her parents before slipping off back to the playroom where Maddison is currently playing. "She'll be fine, you'll be fine, just don't stress I don't want this little one thinking it's okay to come early" Jack speaks with a smile as he strokes her bump.

"I'm being silly, but why are you doing this Jack, he's been dead to me for a very long time" Nikki sighs."Just let him see the girls, your his only child, let him have that mental image to hold of the girls," Jack pleads.

Nikki smiles slightly at Jack a little unsure about letting her 'dead' father back into her life or even her home, she is worried that he would try to get involved in her life again and then instantly let her down again.

Jack walks away from Nikki and lets Milly and Merlin out into the garden, Nikki sighs and rests against the counter running her hand over her bump and holding it slightly as she winces in pain.

The whole morning Nikki had been getting really bad Braxton hicks which occurred one after the other in ten-minute slots every hour. She turns around and grips the countertop and accidentally lets out a moan, Jack hears her and walks back into the kitchen to see her bent over holding the countertop. "Nik?" Jack panics as he rushes to her side. "Nikki talk to me," Jack speaks in a rushed tone as he places his hand on her back.

"Don't worry... it's passing," Nikki breathes as she unfolds herself and stands upright looking at Jack.
"I'm fine, promise..." She smiles still looking a little flushed in the face.
"I don't believe you," Jack speaks.

Jack raises an eyebrow at Nikki and takes his hand away from her back, "Braxton hicks, they're getting stronger now, don't worry she's not coming yet... I know this... Feel here that's her head," Nikki smiles as she grabs Jack's hand and places it on the side of her bump.
"As long as you're okay now... that can't be comfortable," Jack smiles slightly, Nikki sighs and steps forwards resting her head on his chest, "I know. She'll be here in good time," He adds.

Nikki smiles slightly as Jack wraps his arms around her, as they get comfortable in the hug the doorbell rings and Poppy dashes through to her parents, "Mummy's friend is here!" She announces.
"I'll go," Nikki speaks as she pulls away from Jack and heads through to the hallway.

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