Pain Relief

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It's currently half-past twelve meaning Nikki has been in very slow labour for just over twelve hours now, although things had started to advance recently but still no sign of the baby, She looks across at Jack who is fast asleep in the armchair beside her with one of her pillows to support his neck. She sighs and winces as she finds herself holding her bump as a strong contraction comes across her in a wave.
In the time she had now been moved down to the birthing room as a space became available. The midwife walks into the room and smiles at Nikki, "How are you doing?" Sarah asks in a hushed tone noticing Jack asleep.

"Something is definitely happening down there, the contractions are stronger" Nikki explains.
"Okay let's get you checked over," Sarah smiles happily as she puts a pair of gloves on and Nikki moves the sheet away which is covering her legs, she had kept her trousers off since the last check to make things easier for herself.

Sarah begins to examine her before looking back up at Nikki watching her face contorting and gritting her teeth as another contraction comes over her. "Okay, that's good, you're six centimetres dilated now," Sarah explains.
Nikki looks over at Jack who is fast asleep, "I didn't want to ask this but..." Nikki begins as she looks back at the midwife. Sarah nods at her urging her on to speak, "Is there a chance I could have an epidural?" Nikki asks.

"I can get one sorted, if that is your wishes," Sarah responds.
"Yes, I've done it three times without pain relief but I think age is against me now," Nikki speaks as she runs her hand over her bump again.

Sarah nods before getting up from where she is sat on the bed and leaves the room. Nikki sighs and sits up slowly looking at Jack, "Jack... Jack... wake up" She speaks as she manages to reach over and shake his shoulder.

Jack wakes almost instantly, "What is it?" He speaks.
"I'm having an epidural," She speaks.
"Why are you having a spinal block?" Jack asks curiously as he stretches out.

Nikki look down at her lap for a moment, "I can't stand the pain, it's too much... I'm sorry, I know I said I would do it naturally," She speaks a few tears slipping down her face.
Jack stands up and sits himself on the edge of the hospital bed facing Nikki, He raises his hand to her cheek and wipes the tears away delicately, "I don't care if you went natural or had all the pain relief under the sun... I don't want you acting like you can cope when you can't, I will always be proud of you" Jack smiles as he steals a kiss from Nikki.

He pulls away and watches her face contort in pain again, "Deep breaths, you've got this," He smiles as he takes hold of her hand and runs his thumb across her knuckles.
"I love you," Nikki smiles slightly as she contraction passes.

Soon the anaesthetist comes to administer the epidural, Nikki is currently sat on the edge of the bed leaning forwards with a pillow on her lap, Jack is sat in front of her on the chair holding her hand keeping her calm, "Right, Mrs Hodgson it is important that you remain perfectly still during this process," The anaesthetist speaks.

He then inserts a thin, tube-like catheter is into Nikki's lower back, the anaethetist administers the epidural and then speaks up, "You can move now Mrs Hodgson, the epidural itself should take between ten to twenty minutes to take full effect," He explains before tidying up and leaving the midwives to it with Nikki.
"Nikki just so you are aware you will still be able to feel the pressure of the contractions which means when you're in active labour you will be able to know when to push," Sarah explains before filling in a few more notes and finally putting the heart beat monitor on Nikki's bump to keep an eye on the baby.

Jack looks at Nikki as the midwife injects some pain relief into the cannula on her hand to help with any discomfort while the epidural gets to work. Nikki looks up at Jack and smiles slightly as she remains on the edge of the bed, "She's offically taking longer to come out than Poppy did," Nikki sighs as she finally lays back on the bed while she can feel the lower part of her body.

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