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Nikki sits down on the sofa and looks at Jack, "Do you want any dinner?" Nikki asks as she stands up again after sitting down, she collects the toys Maddison has got out and waits for Jack to respond, "Fine be like that, oh, and don't worry your children are safe and fast asleep in bed, don't worry..." Nikki huffs as she carries the toys back into the play room which is across the hallway from the lounge.

Once the toys are away Nikki walks back into the lounge and sits down on the arm of the chair resting her hand on her bump to try to ease the kicking, "So are you eating or what?" Nikki quizzes.
"I don't know, what if I jokingly sat no and you take it to heart and go off on one" He grumbles.

Nikki rolls her eyes and watches Jack, "What is wrong, why can't you understand that Maddison could have something wrong? you took Freya's deafness fine so why would you be so off about Maddie having a special need?" Nikki quizzes.

"She doesn't have a speical need stop assuming these things, you can't find out offically until she's five, she's two for god sake!" Jack hisses.
"Contridicting yourself Jack?" Nikki smirks.
"No!" Jack snaps.
"No you were, you want her to get tested don't you, we can cope Jack, if she needs extra help we can give it her, money isn't an issue... we can help her, but please listen to me Jack, Maddie needs to be assessed, look at her earlier falling over Millie she was hystetical... talking of Millie we still can't get a home for the last male Kitten... so we're keeping him" Nikki smiles.

Jack looks at Nikki and just nods slowly hoping she will stop, "Okay... sure, whatever you say goes" Jack says feeling like he should reply just in case Nikki takes offence.
Nikki puts her hands on her hips and raises an eyebrow, "Are you saying that just to shut me up?" Nikki asks.

Jack smirks and nods slightly, Nikki laughs to herself before walking into the kitchen, "Are you eating or not then?" She calls.
He walks into the kitchen and smiles at Nikki as she searches the freezer before pulling out a small pasta bake whcih serves two. "He walks over to Nikki and wraps his arms around her waist before resting his head on her shoulder and inhaling her perfume, "Changed your tune haven't you? what are you after?... wait let me guess... sex?" Nikki asks.

Jack smirks and kisses her clavicle, "Mmm, what would be nice if you're offering" Jack smirks as he kisses up her neck.
She tips her head to one side, "No, I'm far too pregnant for that kind of thing now" She smiles knowing how to get herself out of the situation.

"No you are now, let me remind you of that very glorious evening two days before you had Freya... oh and Maddie if I'm correct."

Nikki flushes and thinks of something to say, "Whatever it was a one off" She speaks.
"Yeah right, couldn't get enough though. Anyway its easy, you just lay on your side and I-"
"Wait one second Mr Hodgson, don't even go there, no, I've worked a twelve hour shift, I was up with Maddie and Freya last night and now I've got to come home sort the girls and now somehow I've got to meet my husbands needs too" She mumbles.

Jack sighs and moves away as she continues to prepare their dinner, "You do too much around the house, I don't deserve you" Jack mumbles.
"Seriously Jack, changing your tune, what have you broken?" She questions still slightly annoyed with him over earlier.
"I'm not letting us go to bed on a petty arguement," He mumbles against her shoulder again.
"Fine, whatever... but no sex," She chuckles before Jack steps back allowing her to finish cooking their dinner.

SymphonyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora