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Nikki and Jack sit cuddling on the sofa while they watch Maddison for a few moments. Nikki glances at the clock and notices the time. "Right I'm going to get Maddie and Poppy, a bath running," Nikki says getting up and heading to the stairs where poppy is still sat sulking. Nikki crouches down to her daughters' level and speaks to her softly. "Are you going to be kind now?" she asks. Poppy folds her arms across her chest as she frowns but nods in agreement.
"Right go and play while I sort your bath," Nikki says with a slight smile as she watches Poppy go into the lounge as she heads up the stairs and into the bathroom.

Poppy sits on the sofa next to Jack in the lounge as she watches Maddison giggling and laughing at a teddy on the floor. 
"Hey, kiddo"  Jack greets as he observes Poppy kicking her legs back and forth. Maddison notices Jack speaking and turns and gurgles before crawling over to the sofa and pulling herself up at jacks' side. "Come on the wee lady." Jack sighs scooping Maddison up and sitting her on his knee. Maddison reaches her arms out for Poppy.

"I think someone wants a cuddle from their big sister." Jack laughs. Poppy looks at Jack and frowns "No!" she shouts.
"Pops!" Jack sighs as he cuddles Maddison instead of causing Maddison to laugh.
"No! My daddy!" Poppy protests as she tries to wriggle in-between Jack and Maddison.
"Poppy Mae! Be careful," her father warns as Maddison falls backward into the arm of the sofa.

Poppy huffs as she sits back where she was previously sat and begins to cry. Nikki enters the room and notices poppy crying. "Oh, what happened now?" she asks as she wipes away one of Poppy's tears from her face.
"She got jealous," Jack explains as he stands up and heads upstairs with Maddison for her bath leaving Nikki with the eldest.

"Come on, let's get you a warm bath." Nikki smiles trying not to draw more negative attention to Poppy's behaviour. Poppy throws herself off the sofa and climbs the stairs and heads into the bathroom where Jack has just put some toys in the bath with Maddison.
"I want my own bath!" Poppy cries as she looks up at Nikki hopeful.
"Oh darling, we don't have time, you can tomorrow if you want," Nikki compromises.

Poppy rubs her eyes tiredly as she whines while Nikki undresses her and helps her into the bath. Nikki watches as Maddison begins splashing the water excitedly causing some water to hit Poppy's face. "No Maddie!" Poppy yells hitting the water back at her younger sister causing her to cry.

Nikki and Jack glance at each other before Jack rolls his eyes and wipes the water off Maddison's face. "That wasn't nice Poppy, you need to remember Maddie is still little and only learning," Nikki says as she rubs Maddison's back as she cries.

After a few moments more in the bath, Nikki gets the girls out and wraps them both in their towels while Jack gets Maddison's bottle ready for bedtime. Jack dresses Maddison in a fresh baby grow and begins settling her to sleep while Nikki heads into Poppy's room to help get her in her pyjamas.

"I want my Peppa ones!" Poppy whines as she pushes the ones Jack has set out away from her. Nikki sighs and looks in the drawers. "I think they are in the wash Pops." Nikki sighs as she picks the pyjamas off the floor and straightens them out for Poppy to get into. Poppy stomps her feet and throws herself onto the bed. "Come on now, that's enough for one-night Poppy, I think you need an early night."

Nikki sits on the end of the bed and waits for Poppy to finish crying into her bed before getting her dressed and brushing her hair. "Right madam, what are all these tears about tonight?" Nikki questions as she gets a book out of the bookcase to read to her. Poppy ignores her mothers' question "I Want milk." She mumbles.
"No darling there is water there if you want a drink." Nikki reminds she sits next to Poppy.
"No! milk!" Poppy whines as she begins to sob again.

"Poppy enough tears now! This is getting silly." Nikki huffs as she opens the book. Poppy throws the book out of Nikki's hands in temper. "Right then, don't have a story. Goodnight Poppy." Nikki sighs getting up from the bed.

"NO! MUMMY!" Poppy shrieks realizing the consequences of her actions. Nikki looks at Poppy in a blubbering mess on the bed.
"Lie down, it's time for bed. You are one overtired little girl tonight." Nikki sighs kneeling next to Poppy and stroking her blonde hair.
"Story, please." The youngster asks.
"No, poppy, you threw the book," Nikki says standing her ground.

Poppy opens her mouth to cry but no sound comes out. Nikki realizes she is not breathing out and brows in the back of her mouth to cause her to breathe followed by a sob. "Come on, I'll sit with you until you fall asleep if you lie down now." Nikki agrees. Poppy lays her head on her pillow, her body shaking as she had been crying so much. Nikki rubs her back until she notices her eyelids close and exits the room and heads downstairs.

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