Sound Screening

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Six weeks later Nikki still has Poppy off school as she is due to start at a new school later in the week, today Nikki has taken Freya to the hospital while Josephine has Poppy and Maddison for the day. Freya has just been to the hospital for her six in one vaccine and also her newborn hearing screening.

Nikki has just stepped through the front door with Freya in her car seat on Nikki's arm screaming loudly, Nikki shuts the front door and drops her keys on the side before placing the car seat down and removes her boots and jacket before lifting Freya from the car seat. "Oh baby, it's not that bad..." Nikki soothes as she holds Freya against her chest and carries her through to the kitchen and turns on the kettle before sitting down at the breakfast bar and unclipping her nursing bra and rolls her top up to see if Freya is crying because she is hungry.

Although after having two babies previously she knows full well its part of the six in one vaccine side effects. Freya latches for a few minutes before kicking off again and screaming even louder than before, "I hear you, shh..." Nikki sighs as she clips her bra back on and pulls her top down before placing Freya against her chest again and makes herself a cup of coffee before walking into the lounge and sitting down on the sofa with Freya resting against her chest, whimpering.

After a while, Nikki decides to do some washing and places Freya down in the Moses Basket as she has fallen into a light sleep. As she places her down and walks away Freya begins to cry loudly, Nikki sighs and walks back over to Freya and looks at her, she places the comforter next to Freya before finding out a clean dummy for her and placing it in her mouth.

Freya cries even louder allowing the dummy to fall from her mouth, Nikki sighs and decides to let her settle herself as she seems to be crying louder when Nikki is around her. She walks off into the utility room and loads the washing machine while listening to Freya cry in the other room. She puts some of her own clothes and Jack's in the dryer and walks back into the kitchen and pulls a letter from her bag from Freya's sound screening test, she examines it further and reads about Freya's referral to the otolaryngologist at the children's hospital.

A few tears slip down Nikki's face as she looks at the booklet that is behind the letter titled 'hearing impairment in babies' her heart drops as she realizes she has to tell Jack that their youngest child is probably going to be deaf.

Nikki hears the front door click shut and realizes Jack must have come home early, she wipes her face with her hand and then stuffs the letters into her handbag and sets back checking on the washing machine. She begins to fold a few baby grows as she hears Jack talking to Freya, she senses him behind her and then turns to look at Jack who has Freya resting against his chest. "You're home early..." Nikki says with shock in her tone.

"Are you deaf or something? Freya was full-on crying in there..." Jack speaks.
Nikki shrugs her shoulders and turns back around to place another grow down on the pile of clean clothes. "I was outside..." She lies.

Jack glances at the back door and notices there is no key in the door meaning she can't have been out in the garden. "Are you sure?" Jack quizzes and she nods and places the one washing basket down on the floor, "Your lying to me Nikki, don't lie to me" He sighs.

She huffs and turns to look at him, "She wouldn't stop okay, Anyway it worked with Poppy and Maddison, you leave them and they stop crying, usually fall asleep" Nikki responds as she brushes past him and walks back through to the kitchen.

Jack sighs and looks at her wondering if she's struggling in some way or form. "Nikki, you know that all babies are different, Poppy and Maddie were completely different babies to Freya..." Jack respond.

Nikki turns to Jack and glares at him, "She's my daughter... I think I know when there is actually something wrong and when she's just doing it for attention..." She responds.
"Nikki, she's equally mine too... but, she's six weeks old for goodness sake. What has gotten into you today..." He responds wondering why she is acting off. He remembers that Freya had her vaccinations and hearing screening today so he decides to make a conversation out of that, "How did everything go at the hospital?" He questions.

She hesitates and Jack catches onto her instantly, "Nikki? what is wrong?" He quizzes.
"Nothing... honestly" She mumbles as she mentally starts to kick herself as she knows full well she should tell Jack what is going on.

"Nikki?" He speaks raising an eyebrow, he knows full well that he will get whatever is bugging Nikki out of her.
She gives in finally and walks over to her handbag and grabs what she needs and hands him the letter and booklet, she instantly watches his face drop as he reads the front of the letter.

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