Just to be Safe

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Jack and Nikki are now sat in Accident and Emergency waiting for the doctor to see to Nikki and check that the baby is okay after the roof collapsed on her at the crime scene earlier that day. "I'm sorry" She mumbles as she rests against Jack's shoulder.
"Sorry for what?" Jack responds.
"For not listening to you, we wouldn't be here in this situation if I had listened to you" Nikki responds.

Jack sighs and strokes her arm, "Don't keep apologizing, who knew that was going to happen" he replies and kisses her head.
"I know, but I can't help but I had been in DS Barns position and been impaled," Nikki breathes.

He holds her close and just kisses her head some more before responding, "Don't even think like that Nikki, I don't want to hear another word from it."
"Anyway... you never told me who's got the girls?" Jack asks.

Nikki pulls away from him and sits up properly, "Don't hate me for this..." Nikki begins.
"I asked your Mum to watch them... I'm sorry, I didn't think. You're going to hate me now aren't you" Nikki replies quickly.

Jack places his hand on her back, "I don't mind, I would rather them be safe with family right now" He speaks with a slight smile.

Nikki relaxes slightly as his response, "Oh... I didn't expect you to react like that. Now, please can you be civil with her when we go home," Nikki pleads as she places her hand on his knee. Jack nods with a smile.

Before long Nikki is called back into the examination room by one of the doctors, "So Dr. Alexander, we want to run a scan if that is okay with you, both your blood and water sample have come back with a positive test although we just need to check on the heartbeat and baby in general" The doctor speaks.

"That's fine" Nikki smiles as she holds Jack's hand tightly.
"Mr. Alexander is welcome to stay too" The doctor smiles.

Nikki and Jack share a look before Nikki laughs, "Oh no, we're not married..." Jack begins.
"Oh sorry, I assumed," The doctor replies.
"No, I am the father... we're just not married" He explains.
"Yet" Nikki adds on with a smile as Jack runs his thumb over Nikki's knuckles.

Jack glances at Nikki and smiles as he continues to run his thumb over her knuckles messing with her engagement ring at the same time. Soon the Doctor gets Nikki to sit on the examination bed and rolls her blouse up and then gets Nikki to tuck tissue into her trousers.

Jack walks over and sits himself down next to Nikki as there is a chair next to the bed, he grabs hold of her hand and smiles at her, "So is this your first?" the doctor questions them.

"No, our third" Nikki smiles happily as she glances at Jack.
"Two amazing girls," Jack replies with a smile as he squeezes Nikki's hand again.

"How old are they?" The doctor questions as he presses the doppler down onto Nikki's stomach along with some gel.
"Our eldest, Poppy is four, and Maddison is eleven months old" Jack responds.
"They keep us on our toes, especially juggling a job like ours" Nikki chuckles and the doctor smiles back at her as he looks at the screen a little longer. "Erm... is everything okay?" Nikki questions noticing the Doctor's silence.

He turns and looks at them with a smile on his face, "Yes everything is fine" He smiles as he turns the volume up on the screen so they can hear a very strong heartbeat, the doctor then turns the screen to Nikki and Jack.
"Oh my god," Nikki breathes as tears form in her eyes.

"Look at him" Jack mumbles as he kisses Nikki's hand.
"You know we can't tell the gender just yet" the doctor speaks a little confused by Jack's response.
"We know, Jack is adamant I'm giving him a boy this time around," Nikki chuckles as she squeezes Jack's hand and the doctor nods with a smile.

"Our beautiful baby... erm... now far along would you say I am?" Nikki asks as she watches the doctor who is taking vital measurements.
The doctor smiles happily and looks at them, "You are approximately seven weeks pregnant" he smiles.

Nikki looks up at Jack and smiles. Soon they are given the all-clear and Jack and Nikki head off home with the news that they have a very healthy baby. They are both sat in the car on the journey home from the hospital, Nikki sat beside Jack who is driving her car, she sits with her scan in hand admiring the baby that is growing inside of her. "I can't believe this baby number three," Nikki smiles.
"I know, this is the most wonderful news ever, we will be complete" Jack replies as he glances at her but keeps his eyes on the road.
"I've figured out for myself, that I'll be due around the 15th November" Nikki smiles happily and Jack smiles happily back at her, as they continue their journey home.

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