Boiling Point

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Jack gets up and Poppy instantly runs off to hide, he grabs Maddison's changing box off the shelf and gets a few baby wipes, before wiping down the sofa where Nikki spilled her drink. "Poppy!" Jack calls as he puts the wipes in the kitchen bin as he glances at Nikki who is wiping her leg down. "Poppy Mae Alexander-Hodgson, you have five seconds to get into the lounge!" Jack calls as he starts counting back down from five.

He hears footsteps running and then walks into the lounge to see her sat behind the sofa hiding her face, "One more act like that Poppy Mae and I will be putting you in time out!" He warns as he looks down at Maddison who has crawled to his feet, he coos at her and then picks Maddison up.

He carries her through to the kitchen and smiles at Nikki as he walks to her and kisses her cheek, "Sorted?" He asks.
"Just a bit soggy" She smiles slightly as she begins to coo at Maddison who grins at her mother cheekily.
"What's gotten into her?" Jack speaks as he looks at Nikki and this time steals a kiss from her lips.
"You know I can handle this if it's getting too much just tell me" Nikki smiles as she cups his cheek.

Jack smiles at her and places his free hand on her hand for a moment, "Honestly Nik, I need the distraction, they're keeping me going" Jack smiles weakly.

She steps forwards before kissing him passionately, "Oh you're a giant idiot, but you're my giant idiot" Nikki smiles as she then takes Maddison off Jack and kisses him once again. As they pull away from the kiss Maddison places her hands on Nikki's face and babbles at her, Jack chuckles and looks at Nikki before they both kiss Maddison's cheeks.

"I can't believe we're having another baby... this time can you make it a boy?" Jack smiles as he rests his hand on her stomach.
Nikki chuckles and looks down at his hand, "I will try my best, I would like a boy this time. Our last one is hopefully a boy" She grins.
"You want a boy?" Jack smiles as his face lights up and Nikki nods with a smile.
"Of course, two girls are lovely, but we need a boy" She smiles.

She alters Maddison on her hip, Jack smiles as he moves his hand away and then looks over his shoulder to see Poppy standing looking at them, "Have you come to apologize to Mummy?" Jack asks and Poppy shakes her head as she folds her arms and frowns.

Jack turns back to Nikki and decides to ignore her, "Daddy!" Poppy shouts, but Jack ignores her as he's waiting for her to apologize to Nikki.
They continue to stand and make a fuss over Maddison and soon Poppy walks over to them, she taps Jack but he carries on talking to Maddison. "Daddy!" Poppy shouts again.

She stamps her feet and grunts angrily before shouting at them, she steps forwards and hits Nikki again but this time in her stomach. "No!" Jack shouts at her as he grabs her by the arm.
"No, No, No, let go!" She shouts as he moves her away from Nikki.
"You don't hit your Mummy, that's mean!" Jack says in a stern tone.

"No Mummy is mean!" Poppy shouts back.
"No Poppy you never hit Mummy, never you hear me!" He warns.
"Jack!" Nikki mumbles.

He looks up at Nikki and nods at her, "Don't worry Nik's I've got this," he speaks.
"Mummy is mean, she's smelly!" Poppy shouts as she goes to hit Nikki again.

Jack sighs and grabs her again, "Don't, your Mummy has a baby in her belly, you don't want to hurt the baby!" Jack speaks as he grabs her and walks her through to the hallway and sits her down on the staircase. "You're going to sit here and think about what you have done!" Jack speaks before walking off and leaving Poppy on the step.

He walks into the lounge to see Nikki sat with Maddison on the floor, "Are you okay?" Jack asks.
"Yeah. I'm fine, you shouldn't have told her that, it's too early" Nikki sighs as she places her hand on her stomach.
"I have every faith in you to keep this little one safe" Jack smiles as he sets himself down on the sofa. 

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