Chapter 37

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Three days had passed since Katella's wake. The young empress was handling it better now that it was over, making it easier to heal. Slowly she began to have moments outside of the dark cloud of grief. She began to focus on her friends, her future instead of the heart breaking last week.

That afternoon, she heard Maggie calling for her. Quickly, running down the stairs and into the dining room, then halted to catch her breath.


"Meet me in the office............with your spellbook."

Ralvania's youthful eyes lit up as she quickly bolted back up the stairs and into her bed chambers, pulling out the large wooden box. Opening it and grabbing her book of shadows and ran back down the stairs and to the office.

So excited she could barely contain it. She knew a little of the basics, but not much else. She couldn't wait to get started, she wanted to know everything about magick. Siting in here mother's chair she felt comfort and smiled as Maggie entered the room with a pot of pixie brew and two mugs on a silver tray.

"I thought we could have a cup of brew while we find out what you know and what you need help with." Maggie said to her.

"I'm not too bad with meditation and candle magick." She admitted.

"Light the candles with your mind." She instructed.

Deep and intensely focused, the young empress lit them on cue.

"Excellent" Maggie told her. pouring pixie brew for both of them.

"What about elemental magick?"

"It's bad, trust me." She said in a dramatic tone.

"You just need to practice." Magiie paused taking a slow sip. "Summon the rain/"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, focus on doing it not on failing at it."

Ralvania took a deep breath, closed her eyes and tried but it wasn't exactly rain. Opening her eyes she looked outside.

"Oh oops."

Maggie just looked at her, astonished.

"You can make it rain lilacs?" Impressed, Maggie waited a few minutes before casting a reversal spell stopping the floral shower over Goblin's Hollow. 

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