Chapter 109

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                                       The empress had taken Maggie's advice, not touching the cauldron for the next few moons. By the third night her catastrophic nightmares had just ceased. Maggie had been right, she usually was; most of the time. While going through some of the potion and magickal herb books, she remembered there were a few items they'd run out of. It was still early enough in the day for a trip into town. She always enjoyed a trip to the magickal supply store, most everyone was friendly. Besides the walk there wasn't that far from her home, thank the gods for that one. The walk through the forest was always calming, whenever she went.

Leaving the office, dashing up the stairs. Grabbing the magickal bag, quickly leaving the bedchambers and back down the stairs once more. She walked through the castle until finding Maggie, out in the courtyard.


"Yes," She said, turning and looking up from her book.

"I'm going into town for a few things. Did you need anything?"

"How sweet of you to ask, no but you have fun." She said.

"I'm sure that I will." Replying, then quickly walked around the courtyard, to the front of the castle and onward into the enchanted forest. Just walking through the forest on a calm day like this brought her a strong sense of inner peace. Nothing cleared her cluttered mind like a mid afternoon walk through the forest. Watching as a few small animals scurried through the forest. Occasionally she would cross paths with an elf, gnome or other forest being whenever she walked through here.

Letting her thoughts wander, strolling down the path thinking about the next few moons; turning sixteen. She wasn't quite as nervous about it. Things would be different. A lot of changes this year of life. Turning sixteen meant she'd be an adult. In charge of her own fate. She'd have all of Goblin's Hollow to take care of, but she'd also be old enough to go into the pub, too.

She was looking forward to more than just being the empress of sorcery. Then she thought, maybe she should plan a trip to see Melinda in the fairy kingdom. Stepping on a twig that popped with a loud snap; bringing her out of her inner thoughts. She looked to see she was out of the forest and at the edge of town. 

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