Chapter 114

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                "They still exist?"

"Yes, that's right."

"So I couldn't read him because... there was no magick to be read?"


"When I'm empress, I'll try to help them." She vowed.

"Ahead of you already."

"How do you mean?" Ralvania asked, a little puzzled.

"I'm dealing with it now so that when you are in charge; you won't have this problem."

"What are you doing to take care of it?" She asked downing more pixie brew.

"We're relocating them to a realm that's much safer for them." She explained, as the young empress looked more confused than before.

"What realm is it?" She asked, genuinely concerned for these poor people.

"There is a place, through time and far out in lower space.. Called earth. There is a large part of the planet that isn't inhabited by anyone. We sent a few guards months ago. It's safe enough we started to transport mortals there."

The young empress went pale. She had no idea something like this could ever really happen. Sitting there, numb; as if the information had just blown her mind.

"Sweetie, are you alright?" Maggie asked in a soothing tone of worry.

"I think so...It's just sad. Do you think they'll just forget Goblin's Hollow? That they're in the wrong realm?" She asked, staring at her guardian, then filled both mugs back up once more.

"I don't know honey.. The choice is either transport them to a safer place or let them sit here and die...this way they at least have a chance of survival." Maggie pointed out.   

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