Chapter 181

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         Chapter 181

Over the next couple of hours, Ralvania sat with the Queen, sipping wine. The two sipped wine and watch the huge crowd dwindle down to a small gathering instead of an overflowing castle. Most of the trolls, imps, dwarves and more common fairies had left for the night.

Melinda got up, excusing herself a few times to thank her other guests for coming. She wasn't just the Queen, also a caring and delightful person. She cared for all, be it a fairy or a troll goblin. Melinda cared deeply for all that she knew.

When Melinda returned and sat down, the empress filled the goblets again.

"You have really outdone yourself this time. What an excellent party. I know I've had fun."

"So have I, but without you here it would have been a bore."

"You're by far too kind. I'll have one more, then I'll have to get my servant out of the waterfall."

"I hope she had fun with the others."

"I'm sure that she did. Poor thing doesn't know very many her own age."

Looking down into her goblet, the queen then looked at her with a wink, "Give it time."

With a calming glance, she nodded. "'I'm sure you're right. " 

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