Chapter 1

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Once upon a Goblin's Hollow

An Enchanted Prequel

By Jessica minor

Long ago, in the enchanted realm of Goblin's Hollow, lived Empress Katella and her mate, Griffon. They spent days and nights defending the land and creatures within it. An enchanting land of beauty and magick, filled with hybrid magickal beings. The empress of sorcery fought alongside her mate in battle, helped with negotiations whenever needed. As the two had just returned from another long quest, and headed off to the quiet library, with a pot of pixie brew.

Griffon let out a deep sigh, taking refuge in his favorite chair, relaxing his warrior's sword next to him, too tired to move. He was a large sorcerer, muscular and toned like a god. Running his hands through his sand colored hair, he looked to his mate, a red haired vixen with eyes that could destroy a man with a single glare, if she wished.

The two sat together in the grand library sipping the enchanted coffee, enjoying a moment free of diplomatic issues.

"This alliance will help keep darkness at bay." He said to her.

"Yes." She replied, taking a sip of the steaming white mug.

"If others join, we might not see another war; maybe we can live in peace once more." He continued on.

"I believe you're right, but what of the fairies?' She asked.

"In time my dear. One alliance at a time."

She nodded, then stood up a moment, taking a few steps before fainting to the hardwood floor.

Griffon jumped up and ran over to his beloved; who lay there unconscious. He scooped her up, carrying her out of the library and then castle. He carried her two miles south, to the only witch doctor they knew. Once he made it to the door of the straw hut, he was about to knock when it opened slowly.

"Come in," The old doctor said to him.

Then stepping into the hut he laid her down on the small table, explaining what went on in the library.

Nodding to him, the witch doctor performed a ritual of incense, magic herbs and drumming. After a good ten minutes, shook his head in disbelief.

"What is it? She's not dying is she?" He asked, horrified.

"No but I do know why she had a fainting spell." The doctor told him.

"Was she cursed?" Griffon asked, concerned.

"No, she's carrying an enchanted one within her." He explained.

"W-W-W- what?" He asked, eyes wide.

"She will have your child in about six moons." The old doctor said.

"Are you sure?"

The doctor nodded yes, then looked at him. "Bring her next moon, so I can make sure things are okay with the new soul."

Then Katella began to stir, opening her left eye, then the right one.

"Where are we? What happened?" She asked, disoriented.

"You fainted darling.' He explained, holding her hand.

"Then how did I get here?' She asked.

"I brought you here, I was worried." He said.

"Am I alright?" She asked.

"Better than alright, you're having a young one." The doctor cut in.

"You're kidding, right?" She asked, shocked by the news.

"I don't joke about these things, miss." He told her firmly.

"May I take her home now?" Griffon asked; then the old Doc nodded yes.

Taking her hand, gently guiding his love out of the little hut with a peculiar look upon his surprised face. It was as if he were lost in a wondrous dream. Perhaps the darkness that had plagued them might not return. Things would be different now, the Empress thought.

It was strange as they walked back through the enchanted forest, the neon blue glitter ferns seemed to glow a little brighter that day. Everything seemed better. The forest floor a little softer beneath her feet; even the lavender sun shone brighter upon their shoulders. Katella was still lost in thoughts of a newly discovered condition.

She was now the carrier of a new soul. They'd talked of children, one day. That day was much sooner than anticipated. 

Once Upon a Goblin's HollowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora