Chapter 81

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              Three days later, Soranto roared outside of the office window. Seconds later the young empress leaned her head outside of the window.


"I have a message for you," He responded, handing over the envelope.

"Who sent it?' She asked,with curiosity in her eyes.

"The Newt."

"You mean the warlock named Newt?"

"Whatever." He said then walked back to his cave.

Clutching the envelope in hand, and then hurrying back to her seat. Getting comfortable, then slowly she opened it. She read every word of it carefully.


You are too kind, the potion worked! Treason sends his apologies and would like you to send more. Enclosed are three gold coins for your trouble. Please visit us again,

Be Well


She read it once more, over a cup of still warm pixie brew. Slowly writing out a response, and setting it aside, grabbed the spell book and put newt's message inside it. He was a kind soul, much like her. After another half a cup, she got right to work on the nocturnal sleeping potion for the vampire- gnome.

Over the next hour, stirring the pot, thoughts and innocent curiosities invaded her thoughts. Most of these thoughts involved the young warlock. She had a natural curiosity for other creatures, but there was something about Newt. She didn't understand how or why, but just went with it. Perhaps she could learn from him. Then she wanted to know why she felt a connection to him. It wasn't love or even a crush, but something else entirely. 


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