Chapter 55

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    Once she blew out the candles, giving the queen a look of hesitation and uncertainty.

Reading the look on the girl's face, the queen knew it was something.

"What's on your mind?"

"I don't want to sound rude, but could we take a large slice out for Soranto, oh and Trixie too?"

"I'll do it for you." Maggie interrupted.

"Thanks aunt Maggie, I know they'd love this cake."

Maggie grabbed plates of cake and nodding to the little empress, walked out of the castle.

"That was more than thoughtful of you." The Queen told her.

"They helped with the party, they deserve a little reward, too."

The queen nodded and kept serving until all of the guests had cake and drinks. There were pots of tea and pixie brew on the huge table. Everything had seemed to go better than expected. The little empress seemed to have the time of her life as she'd talked to a lot of others.

Ralvania stood near a fae warlock named Harrision. He ran a hand through his dark as night hair, leaning against the far wall in the corner of the room. She was deep in conversation with the boy of thirteen. He'd been gazing at her through most of the party. 

          His dark purple eyes seemed to glow with curiosity over the young empress. Harrison wasn't the only one who wanted to know more about Ralvania. One person to the next came up to her, it was hard to keep the name straight. It was overwhelming but a great time, too.

After another hour of socializing with different breeds and hybrids, the empress made her way through the crowd, back to the long table.

"Hey what do you know about the boy Harrison?" She asked.

"You see the one standing next to him with the reddish brown hair and the tan glitter wings?" Melinda said, trying not to stare at him, too much.

"Yeah, what about him?'

"That's Tristan, Harrison's younger brother. He's twelve."

"You have a crush on him don't you?"

"Shh! I don't want my mother to hear you."

Ralvania nodded to her, then proceeded back through the crowd. 

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