Chapter 66

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    Three moons had passed since she and the dragon had rescued Vexia. It made her happy saving someone, soon she had gone on more rescue missions on a regular basis. She thought maybe it was her calling, she was supposed to save the world one creature at a time? She had even saved a few people in town. There had been a child gnome stuck up a tree, healed a hob goblin's broken wrist and helped a troll with allergies.

Lost in her thoughts and doodling in her spell book; jumped up when a loud booming knock came to the castle door. She didn't hear Maggie anywhere so quickly running out of the door Once the door was opened, she was confused. It looked like a gargoyle, but those were nocturnal beings. It was mid afternoon as she just stared at him.

"I'm a gargolite." He said in a rough around the edges tone.

"What's that?" She asked with a puzzled look.

"A gargoyle of light, a day gargoyle. People get confused."

"Oh! Okay and what's your name sir?"


"I like the name, do come in. I'm Ralvania."

As he walked inside her home, she saw he was hobbling in pain.

"What's the trouble?"

"I got a big splinter in my foot, it's killing me."

She offered him a seat in the dining room, just off the hallway. He nodded and sat down in almost slow motion.

"I'll be right back." She said to him.

"Sure." He said waiting all of three minutes when she returned with a potion and bandages.

"Let me see your foot, I'll fix it."

He gave a simple nod, then moved his throbbing foot closer to her. She pulled out a splinter out of his bleeding foot the size of a small pencil. He let out a scream, then she poured the potion over his bleeding foot and wrapped it up in the bandages.

" i can't believe it. You're an amazing young empress. It doesn't hurt at all."

"You're welcome. The potion is a pain reliever. Take it with you."

"Miss you are too kind. Thank you." Sebastian replied then walked on and left the castle, still in amazement that the child of an empress fixed him. 

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