Chapter 71

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         Gently setting down the dwarf like creature, she looked into his sparling emerald eyes. "Sir are you okay?"

"What a nice young mortal... I'm fine, yes."

"I'm not a human."

"What are you then?"

"I'm an empress of sorcery... I take it you are a dwarf?'

"No I'm not.. I'm a rainbow goblin."

"What is that?"

"It's just what I am.... Mortals think I'm a leprechaun."

"It's good to meet you, sir." Ralvania formally greeted him.

"You too.. Have you a name or is it just empress?'

"Yes it's Ralvania, what is yours?"

"My friends call me lemmie.'

"Great to meet you please, sit."

"Thank you, where am I?"

"Goblin's Hollow." She said with a grin.

"I haven't been here in so long... How did you summon me anyway?"

"My friend gave me a fairy wand."

"Nice friend."

"Yes, she is."

"Then why did you summon me?" He asked, sitting down across from her.

"Truth is, I didn't mean to." She admitted.

"So you don't really need me?'

"No... Would you like a cup of pixie brew for your trouble?"

"What an angel, most people ask for things but never offer them in return." He said, accepting the mug.

"That's not right,what do they as you for anyway?'

"Material possessions a pinch of good luck." Taking a sip his eyes seemed to light up. "Wow this is good, really good."

"I can send a bag home with you."

"What's the catch?"

"No catch."

"If you ever do need something, use the wand and call my name three times."

"I may do that."

"Can I come back and visit?" Lemmie asked.


"Good you are a nice creature empress."

"Let me get the pixie brew for you. I'll be back in a minute." She said, dashing off to the kitchen and scooping out enough for a few pots of brew and quickly returning to him. He hugged her just before shooting back up the rainbow. 

Once Upon a Goblin's HollowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora