Chapter 67

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Hours later the next knock wasn't a client or small emergency. Opening the door half expecting a goblin or troll, but there stood Melinda.

"Oh wow what are you doing here? I mean come in," She gushed.

"We just returned from fairy - con and I brought you back something."

"Oh the fae festival?"

"Yes, here it's infused with my own fairy magick." She explained handing over a small wand that looked no bigger than a pen.

"Oh wow, that is awesome."

"When I become queen I'm changing the law so you can go when we're older."

"You'd do that?"

"Yes of course I would... The wand will let you do fae magick now."

Ralvania jumped up and hugged her. "That's the coolest thing you could have brought me."

"I know."

"Can you stay for pixie brew?"

"I want to but I can't. Mom and dad are waiting on me, we've been at the convention for three solid days, we're all ready to drop."

"Ok but make sure you come by in a few days to visit."

"Yes I will I've missed you and the dragon, too." She said before fluttering out the door.

She jumped up and down like a teenaged mortal. She couldn't believe it, she had her own fairy magick wand. She cracked open the spell book and jotted a few things about the wand. Then wondered, how to use it?"

What could it do? Then on impulse she aimed it outside the window and seconds later it began to rain stardust. It was one of the strangest yet most mesmerizing spells she'd casted. After a few minutes she flicked the little wand again and slowly the stardust disappeared. 

She was going to have to find spell books on fairy magick, she thought, then put the wand away, resisting the urge to play with it any more tonight. She'd done no harm and wanted to keep it that way. 

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