Chapter 176

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    Chapter 176

Twenty minutes passed when the king had announced that it was time for the crowning ritual to begin. He started off with a speech about Melinda, as did her mother. It was an emotional moment for the entire kingdom. Once the new Queen had been crowned and the fae ritual complete; the empress heard someone call out her name. It was behind her, by near eight feet within the crowd of magickal creatures.

The voice sounded familiar, she thought while weaving through the crowd of fairies, imps and gnomes. Then excitement shook through her as she saw who it had been. Her eyes lit up like glow in the dark fairies.

"Empress, there you are... I've been looking all over the place for you." He greeted, leaning in for a quick hug.

"It's wonderful to see you again."

"Hegan came with me, he's here...somewhere."

"I brought my servant, Ambrosia."

"Oh, really? I'm sure she'll have a great time, I always do." Newt replied.

"Me too... Did you hear the fae Queen has a crush on your cousin?"

"She told you?'

"Yes, were bonded quite well.. Eventually she tells me everything." The empress pointed out.

"Good, I didn't want you to think that her affections were for me."

"Why not ?'

After a long pause, he looked into her eyes; "Because I don't feel that way about her."


"Yes, now tell me about you..."  

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