Chapter 147

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  Chapter 147

Once inside the castle and gouging directly to her office, rang for Maggie. Getting settled in and comfortable with her spellbook and favorite feathered pen as her servant tapped lightly on the door.

"Come in."

Seconds later Maggie opened the door with a large tray in one hand. She could see a pot of brew, mugs and lavender frosted moon cookies, one of her favorites.

"How'd you know I wanted pixie brew?"

"Child, I've known you longer than you've known yourself. "

The empress giggled. Maggie was such a good person. Her sense of humor was even better.

"Thank you. Care to join me?"

"Most people in your position don't have enchanted brew with the servant wench."

"Well It's a good thing that i'm not most people... No matter my title or yours, I'll always feel you're like a second mother to me." Ralvania pointed out.

"All right dear I'll stay and have a cup," She replied taking the seat across from the empress.

"So were you able to rescue the winged tree frog?"

"Huh? What?.... Oh no, no that was last week."

"Oh.. It's hard for me to keep track sometimes. What was it this time?" She asked pouring two cups of brew and claiming the cup closest to her.

"It was a gargoyle, but he's fine now.'

She nodded as they both took in a large gulp of the concoction. 

Once Upon a Goblin's HollowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora