Chapter 38

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             Three weeks passed since she'd begun training with Maggie, it made her happy, passionate. She'd even helped a few gnomes and elves with potions she made herself. The young empress had to admit how much joy helping other creatures, mixing potions. It wasn't anything but the love of doing so. After another 3 sessions of training with Maggie, her elemental magick had improved.

Over time, slowly the young one began to adjust to life without her mother. She would talk of her often, keeping her memory alive. As it helped her grief immensely, soon approaching the special twelfth birthday.

This was the year anyone with magickal D.N.A wou8ld hit an enchanted growth spurt; where the abilities grow more powerful without warning. Some had visions, omens or a spark of illusion magick.

Ralvania had some of everything, but was still learning how to handle it. She'd had visions, but they were weak and hard to understand. It will get better, she reminded herself, closing the book of shadows for the night and curling into the bed.         

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