Chapter 65

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      Moments later the dragon was considering to continue the journey back home; when the empress jumped up. She looked to the cave and then Soranto.

"Did you hear that?"

"I didn't hear a thing," He replied, then listened for a moment, and he heard the faint sound of wings struggling inside the cave. Seconds later he too heard the distinct cry for help. Soranto rolled his eyes, wishing whoever it was had been evil and she wouldn't help, but he knew better.

"Go on... help them."

Quickly she disappeared within the dark confines of the cave with her magickal bag. He just sat there and waited. After over five minutes, he called to her.

"Are you okay in there?"

"Yes I found someone trapped in here."

"What kind of someone?"

"She's impish, Now wait a moment while I free her."

He sat outside the cave a few more minutes, when he was about to yell again, she stepped out of the cave with a winged blue creature with lavender hair. The imp looked really young, maybe all of nine.

"Is this your imp?"

"Yes Soranto, this is Vexia."

The dragon nodded to her, then stared at the empress.

The empress turned to the young imp girl.

"Do you need help getting to your home?"

"No, I live close by, but thank you. I had been stuck there for hours." Vexia said hugging them both before fluttering away.

"She was delightful."

"Are you well rested now?"

"Yes, more than ready to go onward."

She nodded and climbed onto his back. "Okay we can go."

The dragon nodded and flapped his pain-free wings, taking them home.   

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