Chapter 154

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     Chapter 154

Just beyond the next three moons, things had gone really well. Her new servant wench was good at her job, a kind heart and thoughtful. She even suggested that they have wine on Maggie's final day, like a goodbye celebration.

Ralvania loved the idea, sending Gina out to get bottles of wine and a few gifts for Maggie. When Gina returned, the empress was more than a little impressed. Even better yet, Maggie loved it. She was grateful for the small get together. The young servant girl had really out done herself. Gina had gone into town and got a spellbook, candles and a set of silver goblets for Maggie's new home. It was perfect, exactly what Ralvania would have bought had she gone herself.

That night had been a lot of fun. She wasn't always in the mood for wine or even goblin's ale, but that had been a great little celebration.Since that day the empress would make time to visit aunt Maggie once a moon, to make sure all was well in her new place. Maggie in turn would ask about Gina, the dragon and how she had been. It was nice to visit her guardian while there wasn't any trouble brewing.

There were always issues she had to over-see, most of them were little squabbles between these creatures and those. The biggest issue lately has been the Fairies and the Omenians. The fairies didn't trust them, and the Omenians believed literally the whole universe is out to get them, including the fairies. Every couple of months, she had to be in the middle of one problem or another between the two.

She really hoped with her help that one day in her current lifetime, the two races might get along, but for now she needed to wait them out. Even with magick she couldn't just force them to be friends, though some days she really wanted to. It wasn't always the Omenians that would start the arguments; sometimes it was the fairies. Both races were highly respected and also highly prideful. That didn't help in matters of political disputes. 

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