Chapter 30

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     After a long silence in the hall way, Maggie looked to the fragile empress.

"Is there anything you need honey?"

"I don't know, I have no clue what I need." She said, sobbing.

"Would you like to go to the library and just talk?"

Ralvania nodded yes, and slowly followed her to the library. It was strange. It wasn't right that her mother wouldn't be in there working with herbs and spells.

"Can we keep the library just like this? I don't want to change a thing." The young one asked.

"If that's what you want, sure." Maggie replied and bowed to her.

"Why did you do that?" Ralvania asked with a puzzled look.

"You are unofficially the lady of the house. I will make decisions for you when I must."

"So you are my guardian and my servant?" She asked her.

"Yes. I'm going to make some pixie brew, do you want anything?" Maggie asked her eleven year old boss.

"Can I try it?"

"I think that would be okay." She said.

"Oh thank you. I know I'm not supposed to have it until I'm twelve." The young to be empress said to her.

"What you're dealing with right now, I say it's fine." Maggie said, excusing herself from the library.

Ralvania sat down in her mother's chair, looking around the room. She imagined what it would be like when she was the official empress. Would it be difficult? Would it be a boring job? Then her thoughts wandered back to her mother.

"If nothing else I hope mom made it to the spirit world," She said to the empty room.

Then she thought she heard a strange light fluttering sound by the window. She couldn't believe it. Her eyes widened as she saw a dark blue flying bug. It looked like a a cross between a luna moth and dragon fly covered in silver glitter. As she stared at it Maggie entered the room with the gleaming silver tray.

"I'm back." She announced.

"The little empress pointed at the window. "What is that thing?"

"Oh that's a glitter bug. It won't hurt you." She explained, pouring two cups of the enchanted drink.

"Why is it here?"

Then the huge bug of sparkles and wings zoomed away.

"It's an omen. It means someone you love that has died just made it to the spirit world. It means their soul is fine, not trapped or sucked into the under-realms." She softly explained, placing a cup of brew in front of her.

"Thank you." She said, taking a sip. It had taken a half a cup for her to get adjusted to the taste, then she had another cup. 

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