Chapter 132

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              Once the empress let go, Melinda just looked at her for a long engaging moment.

"I'm so glad we got here before the others."

"As am I, it's been a few moons since I've seen you. How have you been?" She asked the princess.

"Not bad. I've been finishing up with my studies of fae magick, and visiting some of the other fairies, to prepare for when I'm the queen."

"Well, at least you aren't bored."

"You are real funny."

"I try my best."

"Are you ready for all of this? I know it's a big moment for you."

"Dear gods I hope so."

"What? Are you nervous or something?"

After a strange look followed by a moment of silence between the two, she responded.

"A little yes."

"Don't be. You'll do just fine."

"What makes you say that?" Ralvania inquired.

"You've done okay so far." Melinda reminded her.

"Yes, but I could always run to my guardian if there were a major problem."

"You can still ask for help.... As the empress you can pretty much demand it."

The empress giggled for a few minutes.

"I never looked at it that way, but you're right."

"Yes, I am."

After another ten minutes of catching up with her favorite fairy, she heard Maggie answer the door a few times.

"We better go say hello." Melinda said to her.

Ralvania nodded then walked with her greatest friend by her side.  

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