Chapter 146

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             Over the next few moons, there wasn't any other mention of the hybrid vampire. That was a good thing; the empress had been far too occupied to worry over it. She was now just returning from a child- gargoyle rescue mission. It wasn't the first time, either.

Two days prior, she had to go beyond Meridian's Isle to save an imp. He had crash landed into a jasmine spruce tree; damaging his poor little wing. Of all her responsibilities, flying with Soranto to different places; meeting new creatures brought out her intense spirit of adventure.

She too enjoyed helping those at home, but flying on the dragon from one journey to the next was truly her happy place. She couldn't thank the spirits enough for bringing him into her life. She didn't think that it was possible to love any other creature quite the same way.

Shaking her innermost thoughts away to the back of her mind as the dragon landed her a few feet from her home. She also loved to return from these quests, to the sanctuary of her office, and the pot of pixie brew. Climbing down the dragon, stopping a moment to hug him tight, like a child with a teddy bear.

"What's that for?" He asked.

"Just for being one of the greatest creatures I know. Thanks for all of your help.":

"I would do anything you ask, empress. You know that." He said as she nodded, then in silence walked to the door and opened it. Good to be home. 

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