Chapter 13

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"Empress, what is it?" Maggie asked with alarm in her sweet voice.

"I don't know, the pain just stopped suddenly." She said with a look of confusion.

Maggie placed her hand on Katella's stomach; using her powers. The vision was so strong that it hit hard enough to knock her backwards, flat on her butt.

"What happened?' The empress asked, worried.

"When is the child due again?" Maggie asked her.

"Next moon, why?"

"She's already in position you won't be waiting that long." Maggie told her.

"What did you see?"

Maggie took a long slow breath and looked her in the eyes.

"I had a vision you'll have her sooner than that. It was night. I saw a triple full moon."

"I hope you're kidding." Katella said.

"No why?"

"The triple moon starts tonight."

"How many nights?"

"Three." Katella reminded her.

"She'll be here by the third night." Maggie warned her.

Katella took several deep breaths.

"We have everything we need, right?" She asked.

"I believe so, yes. You'll be okay, I'm here." Maggie said to her.

Katella hugged her with deep affection for a long moment, then slowly let go.

"Tea or pixie brew this time?" The young sorceress asked.

"I'll take the pixie brew, could you put a calming potion in it?"

Maggie nodded and quickly went to go get it. 

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