Chapter 178

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                Chapter 178

After all the gifts had been opened, she slowly rose from her seat and addressed the crowd around the dining hall.

"I wish to thank you all for coming. Now my first act as your Queen, I order all of you to drink up, there's more than enough fairy wine, Goblin's ale and impish whiskey."

The crowd cheered her, "To Queen Melinda!"

Ralvania stood there, overjoyed that her best friend's crowing was going this well. A few minutes later, feeling a tap upon her left shoulder, turned quickly to see who'd been responsible. A cheerful Amberosia stood there with two glasses of fae wine.

"Here, I brought one for you."

"Oh, thank you dear. Are you having fun?"

"Yes, I've met a lot of nice creatures here already."

"Give it time, you'll get to know a lot in both realms."


"I believe so, yes." She responded as the new Queen made her way over to them.

"I wondered where you'd ran off to," She greeted them with a glass of fairy wine.

"Don't worry, we're still here." Ambrosia responded.

"Good... I wanted to have my first glass as Queen with the two of you."

A wicked little grin came across the empress's face, as she dramatically bowed to Melinda; "As you wish, your highness."

Melinda cracked up laughing, "Oh do stop." 

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