Chapter 59

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      The young empress went down to the kitchen and made a cup of pixie brew, then took it back to her bed chambers and began writing in her book of shadows. After a few pages on the soul warrior and the spell, she read further in her studies and enchanted textbooks. The more she knew the more in tune her magick would become.

Lost in her magickal books, it startled her two hours later; when Darvin returned. She jumped, knocking the books to the hardwood floor with a thud.

"It is done young one."

"Thank you so much for your help."

"Make sure you talk to the one teaching you magick; she can help keep you from doing any real harm in the future." He scolded her.

Ralvania nodded, she could sense he meant every word of it.

"I'll return when you truly need me." He said then faded away, like a peaceful soul cleansing dream. Sitting there a moment, mesmerized by his presence tonight the empress waited a few more minutes before crawling into bed, dreaming of anything but dark creatures. 

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